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Posts posted by denoted09

  1. I gave you everything without ever asking for much from you and now here we are 3 years of me investing my time, money, and emotions in you...making so many sacrifices for your happiness only for you to turn and run because of a blip in the relationship.


    I loved you, and I still love you with all my heart but you tore me apart with your flimsy reasons for wanting to break up. I fought for you, stood by your side when nothing was working out for you and none of your so-called friends were there for you. But you run at the first sign of trouble and with the audacity to say you still love me. If you really love someone, you stay and fight hard to keep them in your life. I hope you will wake up one day and realize that letting me go was the biggest mistake you ever made.

  2. Day 4


    He dumped me for a second time after 3 years together. We had grown apart, I was too busy with work and him with friends so we started seeing less and less of each other and also we weren't as intimate. Our communication prior to the breakup was strained an didn't go anything beyond greetings and goodnight wishes. We finally met up and he said he didn't think the relationship was working anymore even though he still loves me and wanted to stay friends. I turned down his friendship offer and told him I'd need to start on a clean slate, he was bummed out and hoped it changed my mind but I won't. Haven't spoken to him since and it's really hard. I'm struggling to get any sleep or eat anything. I never thought it would be this hard but I'm still maintaining NC. I unfriended him on Facebook and deleted text threads. I haven't told anyone about this yet as I'm still hoping we can work things out.


    I've cried a lot these past few days and my heart feels heavy. He was my first everything and I gave so much of my life to him.

  3. Day 3


    It's really hard going through with NC when we've been together for so long. We were together 3 years and he was my first everything. I was happy being with him despite a couple of issues we experienced. We had a bit of a fallout which I posted on a different thread here and he ignored all kinds of contact I tried to make until I told him I was done with the relationship. He then texted thanking me for checking up on him but I didn't know what to say so I simply apologized for what he was going through and it's now been 3 days since we last spoke.


    Trying to be strong and hoping for a reconciliation because I still love him a lot. For now, however I will simply give him time to sort things out and then see how this will pan out.

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