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Posts posted by KimmieNO

  1. It might help to compare notes with a girlfriend. A poster had a really good idea about masturbating and communicate that to your man.


    Do you have contractions? Do you get really wet? I always feel this great tingling warmth in my belly and a feeling of peace settle over me.

  2. While it's true Woman on top is good for controlling what happens inside my body, I think if we're talking about a virgin, then Missionary is best--push in, get over the big deal, then when you're comfortable with each other's bodies, try woman on top. She'll love you for it.

  3. If you fret too much about it you might have problems--too tense and he can't penetrate you. I lost my virginity to an older man, who deflowered me at the end of a very romantic night highlighted with lots of kissing and touching and some wine to help steady us.


    It was a really beautiful moment that hurt a bit as he pushed in and a little bit of surprise or something like that feeling another human being inside my body. There was a little blood, but nothing out of the ordinary. I took a bath the next morning, and I felt a dull kind of stabbing feeling (more like soreness) with the water in the tub. The next day that sore feeling didn't happen again, and it's been great ever since.


    Welcome to the club! P.S. the only protection you're missing now is a crash helmet--relax! Enjoy! Let us know how it went.


  4. One of the best orgasms I ever had was when a boy made out with me in his room. He was wearing blue jeans and I was wearing cotton pants and I rubbed my clitoris rhythmically against the hard part of his jeans (not so much his hard on) that had the zipper in it. It helped of course that his hands were stuffed down the back of my pants and rubbed my buttocks. It was FAB!

  5. Yes. There are more nerve endings at the entrance of a woman's vagina than in the back, so a lot more feeling at the entrance. It depends a bit on how powerful the man's orgasm is, but you can feel a twitching inside or pulsing, a warm kind of gushy feeling inside. It feels very romantic, very messy.

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