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Posts posted by silentone14

  1. Ive told you all about this girl. And the advice ive been given is good and all, but im too shy. Ive heard if you love her youll bring yourself to do it. Id give my life for this girl and anything for her. Is that love? And what is something to help give me the courage to talk to her or go to her house. School is getting ready to start again, should i wait till then?


    Any advice will be good

  2. yea but i usually do well with girls. there is more to the story. no matter what i do i find it hard to do anything concerning her. but yet it hurts when i dont do anything about it. im too afriad of what will happen if she says no. i know im not supposed to be worried about rejection and stuff and shes not the right person if she says no. but my heart is saying i wont take no for an answer

  3. ok everyone i usually never use forums but this is big and important, i need major help. I have asked around and i get the same answer i always get u need to go to her house or call her. Im too afraid to do either of those things. It hurts bad inside when im not with her. Im afraid i cant wait till skool or cc. CC is cross country for u who dont know. What should i do?

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