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XxBury me DeepxX

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Posts posted by XxBury me DeepxX

  1. Actualy this is my sister's poem. her user name is xthe core enemyx, so if you have any comments on this poem then direct it to her not me.

  2. 'To Pieces'


    Catch my tears

    As they fall

    I can hear your screams

    From down the hall


    I sit in the corner

    I have been crying all day

    We can feel each other's

    Emotional pain


    She hates her self

    And I hate me too

    As we endure

    This pain from you


    But now you're gone

    And all the hate I felt for you

    Has been lifted

    And I feel pure and new


    Dear Daddy,

    I hope you burn in hell

    I want you to know that I will love you

    And here at home things are well


    I wish I could have said

    'Daddy before you leave us,

    I want you to know

    You broke us To Pieces'

  3. Verbal/Emotional abuse is when a person hurts anothers feelings by saying something offensive.


    For three years my father made me believe my mothers death was my fault, kept telling me how much he hated me and wished i never was born... Now he's dead and i am seeing a therapist about my problems.


    If you dont let it get to you then it won't, i made the mistake of believing he was true. if it does get to you, seek help (i.e. talk to a counselor or psychiatrist)

  4. It's been four years since my mother passed away due to cancer, and one year next month since my father killed himself. But before my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, everything was great. I could even say my life was perfect... well nearly perfect. My sister got pregnant at the age of 16 and my brother was off getting stoned, My mom was staying at the hospital and was to be released when the found no more trace of the cancer. About six months later she came down with Yellow Jaundice. My life was at a stand still, 'this is almost exactly like what happened to Grandma', i kept repeating that in my head util the day they sent her home, they told us there was nothing they could do, i want to scream, i wanted to cry. Alls we could do was wait. I was 9 and about to turn 10 the next day, it was June 11, 2000. My mother had passed away in her sleep. Thats when I became extremly depressed. My dad started drinking again after being sober for 6 years, my brother moved to florida, my sister found out she was pregnant and moved in with her boyfriend, and my dad started to accuse me of being the reason why my mother passed away. I converted into a goth when i was twelve and began studying wica. after 3 years of believing that it was my fault that my mom had died, i was 13, it was august 20, 2003, my dad hung himself with fishing wire. I had a choice of living with my sister, brother or foster parents. i choose my brother. four months of living with my brother and i attempt to commit suicide by over dose. I had to spend 8 months in a psychiatric ward. two months into there and my brother goes into rehab for his heroin addiction. I just got out of the hospital a month ago and am seeing a Therapist, i have relized there are other ways to solve my probems and not the easiest is the best. and i am happy to say my brother has been clean for 6months.

    But I have relized that...

    This is only the beginning.

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