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Posts posted by stevenmakie

  1. I need advice. Fast.


    I will be meeting my partner's parents when I travel over to the far east.


    I found out that most people ask partner's parents for permission to marry. However we are already married and I didn't do this.


    My partner's parents already bought me 1000 pound suit, & more clothes that I currently have over a period of time as gifts. They have awaiting even more clothes for me when I arrive.


    But I like to return the favour and buy them gifts. The hardest question is, what should I buy my partner's mum & dad? (please concentrate on mum since that's the hardest).



  2. I am getting married next week. My GF has told me to say "something from the heart" on our wedding day.


    I am totally lost for words and my mind is blank on what to say.


    I like to get some ideas/suggestions on things that were said on your wedding day that melted you(/your GFs) hearts. Or what you prefer him to have said.

  3. I've got a problem. I have been in a close relationship with my girlfriend for just over 3 years now. However, she was a foreign student and her student visa expires at the end of January next year. I do want more time and her to stay in UK (not US, etc. btw).


    The only thing that can make her stay here is marriage or some legal paper. We have both talked about this issue. We both see that a white church wedding is not ideal right now due to financial status, career, etc. Am in my mid 20s and she in her early 20s. We want a white church wedding when we are both over 30 and both have hard founded careers, and lots of money, etc. The dilemma is, how can we both keep our relationship inside UK (keep her here legally), without a full blown marriage?


    So am wondering if anyone is knowledged with "getting married", "civil procedures (marriage related), etc. Am wondering what we both need to do, and whether it's possible getting a legal paper from the home office.

  4. > I would talk to your girlfriend and see if she wants you involved or

    > not. If she does then ask her what she thinks would be the best

    > thing to do.


    That's a very good advice.


    > There is no point punching her friend is she doesn't thank you for

    > it - also she might not appreciate you getting involved in her

    > business.


    Yes, I agree too.


    > I gotta say that the whole situation sounds a bit fishy are you

    > sure that nothing has happened with these guys - its very

    > strange that 3 friends would suddenly turn into stalkers for no

    > apparent reason


    Well maybe she's a very friendly person. A lovely caring person. If this is the issue then is there anything I can do about it? I don't really want to insult her by telling her, "maybe you're this... or that..etc". Nor do I want to criticise her or judge her in any way. This is very hard no to step on something am not suppose to.


    But yes it does seem a coincidence and it's not the first time as well. What do you think?

  5. She does say that she is already in love with someone, and has a boyfriend.


    These guys were her long-term male friends. Male friends she's known for 4, to 6 years. Yep, ofcourse male friends are always going to either:


    a) have secret crush/feelings for a female companion



    Etc. However that is not the point anymore. If they have feelings for her then no one can change one's feelings. All I can do is support my gf through this time. The pursueing is obviously going to turn to harassment.


    I will strongly insist on barring their phone numbers.


    Or I could test my ego on talking to each one of them:

  6. Thanks for all advice.


    I do feel that am not doing my job. However it's only phone calls, and previous friends meeting up.


    I have advised to get the phone numbers barred. I guess I'll do that for her when I next see her.


    As for me advising her what to do...


    a) Give them (the pursuers) her cold-attitude (that I've seen before on me).

    b) etc..


    But I think I should take-over a phone call to initiate a pressense. Maybe use sayings like:


    "Why are you calling my girlfriend?"

    "Do not call this phone number ever again"

    "Leave my girlfriend alone"

    ".. etc... "

    suggestions welcomed.. plus counter-attacks

    "What you are doing is rude and I don't like it"

    "...well, rough questions deserve rough answers"


    Must remember to put on a heavy, hefty voice, while saying these.


    And maybe raise my voice, etc...

  7. Just needing some advice. What if your girlfriend is pursued by 3 to 4 guys? What if your girlfriend is stressed from them not taking a 'no' for an answer. I don't know the whole story and am not sure whether I should delve into it. She says that all her male friends are turning weird (literally speaking). One of the pursuers she known as a friend for 6 years. Now he's pursueing her with, "I love you", "I won't stop pursueing you until you get married". The other guy sent a photo of her to his parents. Now he and his parents are wanting to have dinner with her, etc. Now my girlfriend has turned off her phone because she can't stand getting so many calls (esp. 6am in the morning, etc.).


    Some background info. 3 year relationship. Both currently living in separate cities. But visit each other now and then when time allows (studying, work, etc.)


    Am just wondering what's the best way to get around this problem. Is this my problem or our problem? Should I take the call next time (if it's one of the pursuers), and give him a talking? What should I say?


    a) "Leave my girlfriend alone."

    b) Use aggressive verbal language

    c) Pursue a physical attack


    Need advice. What would a guy do in this situation? I guess I better start eating more lean meat.

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