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Posts posted by zxacb

  1. well me and my friend still talk but him and her do not. they were together for about a year and she thinks it was a very serious relationship but my friend didn't think it was.They have not been together for about 6 months.I also told friend about the feelings i was starting to have for her and he told me to go for it.She just thinks that there is something very wrong with the fact that she went out with my friend and that we shouldn't start anything for that reason.It is all very confusing to me and i'm not sure if i can just stay friends with the very strong feelings i have!I'm afraid of just stopping talking to her cause she might come around and put that behind her and give me a chance ,but i'm not sure if i can with the strong feelings i'm having for her.

  2. i wrote a post on here about a month ago about a girl that i have been friends with for about a year.We work together and we have been friends ever since she started working with me.But in the last month we ahve became very close friends and i feel that i have started to fall in love with her and we have talked about are feelings about each other.we both obviously care alot about each other, but there is a problem she went out with one of my good friends and she thinks it is horribly wrong that me and her get anything started despite the feelings we have for one another!So the other day she said taht we should take some time apart so she could figure out what to do and i agreed.well last night she told that she just wants a friendship even though i know she has deeper feelings than that.I honestly don't know what to do i truley feel a connection with this girl but she just won't give me a chance and i'm worried that i care to much about her just to be friends!I just wish she would give me a chance to show her how much i care.we are both adults she is 26 and i am 24 but she just thinks it is moraly wrong to date someone your friend did and i don't!what should i do?

  3. i've worked with this girl for about 2 years and we hungout with each other some in the past cause she went out with one of my friends.But just in the last 2 months we've been talking on the phone almost every night and i go over to her house and we drink and talk all night! we have not said any thing to each other about liking one another but everyone at are work thinks we do.I'm not sure if she likes me more then a friend or not ,but the more i'm with her the more i want to be more than just her friend.she is the first girl in along time that i can talk to about anything and she tells me things that i wouldn't think that a girl would tell a guy that is just a friend.she is 26 and i'm 24 and we both have had alot of bad relationships but i feel like me and her would be a very good couple cause we are both looking for someone to be with for good.from the little bit i wrote do you think she likes me more then a friend and what should i do? If she doesn't like me i still want to be friends but i'm afraid it'll push her away if she doesn't feel the way i do,if i tell her.It is all i've been thinking about and i just can't work up the balls to ask her how she feels about me.what should i do

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