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Posts posted by Alejandra

  1. hi everyone, this is my first time posting a help advise request but I am in a situation that I would like to get advise on. I currently am ending a one year relationship with this one guy also turned into my fiance. hoewver, I am tired of fighting and a lot of abuse involved (to much drama to chat about or type). The thing is he keeps coming back and on sunday he tried to kill himself by talking 8 volum pills and going nuts he ended up sf- AR dept. (The bottom line is he is very unstable mentally, I think mentally ill if you ask me and is driving me crazy) anyhow I looked for him on Monday to try and comfort him and make sure he is fine.. and he still treat me like crap yesterday morning he even told me that he would like a 2 week break. We have had so much breaks here and there and the bottom line does not know what he wants. I was like "when you get it together in your head call me, and get rid of your alcohol problem/drug problem." He then called me last night like nothing when we were suppose to not call eachother for 2 weeks at least.... I am tired and very temped to going back to my ex Kevin. whom I have never stopped thinking of, an dnow even more with this one messing with my head.


    I have always been in contact with kevin, after our breakup and we discussed why the breakup place, and he said I am a very high attention person and he could not have given me a lot of time in the world because of his job (long hours he works).. bla bla bla but he does always tell me how he misses me and how he is very attracted to me still, he said he even thinks of me when he is with someone else.. My question to you all is what does the following mean??


    he said he does not want a relationship(that at his job there is a high divorce rate do to all the long hours they work, and I told him to live his life and not worry about other people divorce, or divorce rates) but he wants us to be involved, but since he can't always be out with me I could go out with girls and guys but then we are not suppose to sleep around with other people because if that is what we want it would have to end between us?? what does that mean?? that sounds to me like a relationship , I think he is afraid of the RELATINOSHIP WORD?? I am confussed. can you guys help me on this?? how can I find out the truth???


    honestly, I have always thought of him being with my ex-fiance victor and at this point I am tired of him coming and going, I am worth much more.. I would rather be with Kevin but don't want to be JUST his sleeping friend I want a comittment, respect, love, a relationship and maybe having a family some day/


    what questions can I ask kevin to see where we would stand or what do I do?? help




  2. WOW this is my first time on this website and I am so amazed and thankful fo all the support you all give eachother. I am currently starting to be ME again I was in a very bad relationship myself. This one guy we can call him Victor at the beginning of the relationship was wonderful and even gave me a ring to marry him in March but little by little the MONSTER in him began to come out!.. from march till last friday he has disrespected me very much a few to name. He broke my middle finger one night because he broke out into a rage when a gay guy huged me in a bar ! hello a gay guy imagine if it would be a straight guy. He has beaten on me so many times I can go on and on, but the bottom line is that I am done with him and I have prayed to god to help me feel better and it is happening so fast, I think he can see my pain + with all the good company of friends. I do miss him but I feel much better not having to deal with his rage personality.. The last he told me was that I stink and I should go run or at least go to for a walk. The sad thing is that I have never lied or have ever given him a reason for him to not trust me but he thinks the worst of me and how little did I know I just found out he does Cocaine and sells it....! WOW I was in for a free ride from hell. I hope you all realize and consider all the good advise people give on this wonderful web page and know how much we are all worth .


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