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Posts posted by siltry_sun

  1. thanx guys...but the only thing is that her friendship with this guy meens alot to her(they've been really good friends for a long time), and she HAS bluntly said that it isn't going to happen. and if it helps on ur adice she is not leading her friend on at all, and she's only 15, her boyfriend is 16, and her friend is alot younger than she is.


    so i dunno but thanx for the advice

  2. hey i really like tis poem... i has a passion in it, and a story in it's lines, i can even relate to the feeling ...i hope you continue to write more interesring things like this...

  3. hey...im sry to burst you littel bubble buddy, but ... pick up lines DON'T work. and unless ur looking just to get your freek-on, any girl with sum sense know's a pick up line when she hears one, and then goes and tells her friends how lame u are. and for those girls that wud wanna get freaky with you because of sum lame ass pick up line, has probably been "swayed" by them before, so..yaknow, who knows wut you might get along with ur little booty call, herpes, syphallis, gonorrhoea, or god knows wut...


    just a thought pal...but remember...if u r just looking for a little "fun" keep your soldiers to ur self and cover up ur pocket pal.

  4. hi my name is not important, however my problem is. My sister has a slight "obsessed" best friend.


    You see, she has this great boyfriend, and they really DO love eachother, but there's a slight problem. She has this guy friend, and she really cares about him, and he cares about her too...but a little too much. He doesn't like her boy friend at all, and even though she's told him that she only loves him as a friend, ... he doesn't get it. he does all kinds of crazy things to himself and he seriously like worships her. Im really worried about her, and i only hope that he will get it and back the hell off...


    so my question to you is this, we've tried the direct approach of" im sorry i don't like u like that" , but he still lingers on. so wut can we/ I do to help him get he hint, and realize that the picture of her love life, DOESN'T have him in it?


    Thank you so much for your advice, i really do apriciate it.

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