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Posts posted by Poilu

  1. hum..... you are right but I mean, what is wrong if legaly everything is ok? I mean, I think the problem is more how it is perceived by the people.... I'll be judge by the people.... even if everything is legal. That's weird.... Anyway, we checked the laws and we talked to a policeman and a lawyer about it, and there's no problem. I think only time will tell.

  2. Ok! Here's the story.... I met a girl on the web and it was connecting right away! I mean, It was like we knew each other since always..... We saw pictures of each other, web cam etc.... and talked about life, and everything and we kind of virtualy felt in love.... We started to talk on the phone and everything.... Now she wants to see me, and she's expecting a lot from us..... The problem is that I'm 29 and she's 15..... She's knows my age but she doesn't care.... I do care about her age and I told her, so she started to give me all the laws regarding dating minor when your are an adult.... That everything was "legal" (I'm from Canada) And it seems that her father doesn't care about how old would be her boyfriend.... She is very mature, I felt like talking to a 30 years old girl.... till I saw her on the cam.... At least we are honnest with each other..... But i'm scared of all this. I feel like a pedo, but the thing is that I'm not looking for sex so.... it is strange..... I do care for that girl but I don't want to hurt her.


    Don't be too hard on me! Tell me what you think.

  3. I want to share something with you.


    I dated a few women trough the years and they were all different in bed which is normal!


    The thing is "how long should I last before to cum" mouhahahahahaahahahahahaha! So weird! I was with a girl who wanted it to last few hours..... well, I did my best and i was able to handle 1 hour before to cum and to make her reach a nice ....hum! ok! you see!!! . But I met the opposite recently! hehehe! She told me: "I want to cum with you! As soon as I have my orgasm, you can cum...." lol! Amazing ! After 5 minutes, she was orgasmic like hell! So??? That mean I can cum? really??? Now??? I mean, only 5 minutes of wild action and your in heaven??? mouhahahaha! Incredible! Well, let me ask a question!


    How long should it be??? (penetration time only)



  4. Ok! here's my problem! I don"t know why but most of the time when I'm using a condom, it's gonna tear and I don't understand why..... I tried different brand and kinds and it's always the same. I might be too wild when having sex, but even when I'm more "relax" it does it too. Most of the time, it when I'm coming that the condom will explode! I know how to put it and they are the right size as they fit on my.... well.... ! So what's wrong with me???? lol! What should I do??? thanks for your replies... I'm 29 by the way,

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