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Posts posted by shelby

  1. I'm really trying to deal with this,trying to be strong, I have no choice really,My heart just sinks to my stomach! I never felt like this before in the past, all it was , was a couple of weeks and it started feeling better.this time its getting the best of me, I feel that i'm getting older and time is running out, i lost someone dear to me and there won't be anybody that will make me feel that way again.i'm trying to tell myself that she wasn't the right person for me and there is someone else out there that will appreciate me. i see her online, but i hold myself back from messaging her i just can't do it, i tell myself there no point!

  2. keep in mind she did this to me before, she was seeing someone else 2 months after we broke off, i wanted to get back together but she pushed me away like yesterdays news, well she got dumped and sent me an unsual email she said" why do guys treat girls like crap do the feel inferior or do they like to get have there presense known" anyway it was something like that. she sucked me back in! things were going rosey and talking agout future plans and poof,had drinks with this other guy and she gave me the i don't know what i want routine, and pushed me away once again. This time for the last time, i don't want to be sucked in again

  3. thank you oatmeal and shane i really appreciate the advice, i really needed that! my ex meant everything to me, but i guess she didn't feel the same, she made her choice and i have to live with it, it out of my control, i feel that if she did call or write i wouldn't know how to react, i feel upset right now and weak, i don't think i can ever get past that and to be treated like waste!

  4. hi, my ex and i of 2 years broke off in end of november of last year, we were still keeping in contact 7 months during our break up she was seeing someone during that time but thing didn't workout. finally i felt i wanted to get back together and i thought she felt the same, our relationship was unique it was a long distance relationship, but i was willing to move down to be with her! i went to visit her twice in a 1 month span and she expressed how much she missed me and i felt the same.after my second visit i thought things were going fairly well i did everything i can to please her and went out of my way for her, then things just turned around in just a 2 day span everything just blew up in my face, she said she did not know what she wanted and that she didn't want to string me along, during that conversation i found out she went out for drinks with someone ,i kind of dragged it out of her! i felt led on and talen for a fool,yet she said she didn't want to let me go.finally we were messaging eachother on msn a couple of days later and she still insisted she didn't know what she wanted and she said it is sad to say goodbye. I told her that if there is someone else that i don't want to stand in her way and i won't wait around for her and i have to do the same and live my life. finally i told that we should not message any longer and she replied ok and we said our goodbyes. it's been three weeks and i've been an emotional wreck, i couldn't sleep nights thinking about her, i'm trying to tell myself it was for the best but it's so hard, some days i feel like breaking down. It's really sad that i will never hear from her again, I was really in love with that women, and i felt i was thrown away like a piece of garbage. my confidence it shot and each time i'll go on a date i can't help it comparing my ex with my date. how can i get her out of my MIND and move on, sometime i wait by the telephone in some kind of hope she'll call or maybe an email !

  5. well I my ex of two years and broken off with for 6 months which we were trying to get back together as found another bloke! she didn't actually say it, but she didn't deny it.Things were going well until one day she said she needs time and space, found out she went on a date. she told me that she still didn't know what she wanted and yet she didn't want to lose me entirely. we were chatting with eachother on msn monday, I realized things have taken for a turn for the worse. she said she didn't want to string me along, I told her i'm not going to be strung along, I can't live like this and if there is someone else in the fold that i have to move on do the same and find someone for myself. she it was sad to say goodbye. I finished it with" I don't think we should message or chat online any longer so i can get this ordeal out of my mind". she said ok and we both said our goodbyes. Maybe it was not meant to be and i'll have to live with that and maybe she just wasn't the one. It's sad to know that I will never see or talk to her again, but if she ever did call and says she would like to get back together i don't think i can ever go back, I don't think i'll be able to ever trust her again and what if i did go back when someone else comes along she'll do this to me again, I felt I was led on and taken for a fool, i will not be her security blanket. As far as i am concerned it's her loss. For people out there wanting there ex back GOODLUCK! please be careful because the second time will be even harder, issues from the past will always come up ,you have to ask yourself is it worth it. Today I am an emotional wreck and my pride was hurt. But i would rather be alone and happy than to be with her and miserable.

  6. Hi i'm a little confused with this situation my ex and i had broke off for six months and we recently got into contact and things were going nicely, keep in mind we were in a longdistance relationship, i went to visit her a few weeks ago and things went pretty well she still felt uncertain and kept her guard up. she wanted to take things slowly and she needed space she recently moved into an appartment and she feels she has alot going on right now. When i got back we kept in contact and had decent conversations ,spoke about future plans with me and we talked every other day. finally things took a back spin, she said she does not know what she wants right now and that she is afraid, she is not in the right frame of mind and she does not want to commit into a relationship at the moment. i found out during that conversation she went out on a date! I was a little taken by that and I don't know what to think anymore. She says she doesn't want to lose me either and she would like to visit me next month. she said she would contact me when she felt it is the right time. I told her that I will respect her feelings and give her the space she needs. haven't heard from her in 4 days, she said cares about but she is reluctant to say more.Am I being strung along? should i stay away, i don't want to be a 3rd wheel. i have this strange feeling that she may feel guilty about something and she is backing away so she can spare my feelings, or is my imagination running wild and it's driving me nuts. anybody have an opinion? a womens point of view is definitly welcome!

  7. my ex-girlfriend and i are slowly getting back together, thing are going well and and we've kept in contact. Our last conversation she mentioned i may have competition, that while at work a child entered the store and gave her flowers ,she said who is this from and he didn't say! How should I react with that? I was a little upset. during that conversation after she said that, she mentioned she misses me and that since we are in a long distance relationship she would like me down to be with her. But she is still reluctant on expressing her feeling , because she does not want to get hurt again. right now my mind is racing 100 miles a minute i feel really distracted. I don't know what to think. i called her last night , left a message but didn't return my call yet! Am i reading into this to much? Should it bother me? what should I do?

  8. thanks for the input it's much appreciated! She just left today on a 3 day getaway with a couple of friends a married couple, In a way i feel this may determine our fate. I don't know what to expect when she gets back, I feel at times that she may meet someone there, but I guess I shouldn't think about that! But all I want is her to be honest with me.

  9. I broke off with my ex 6 months ago and we started talking again,we were in a unique situation it was a long distance relationship. I am willing at this point to move down to be with her. I recently got back from visiting with her we spent two weeks together and it felt awesome.But she still is keeping her guard up, she felt hurt from our break up, and she doesn't want to get hurt again. She wants to give it time before she jumps into the relationship again. When I got back we still kept in frequent contact, She did mention how much she enjoyed spending time with me and that she missed my presense and how we have a great connection and she missed that. She did say that she still cares about me but is a reluctant to say more, she doesn't want to feel pressured she said alot has happened during those 6 months we were apart she feels more independent and some days likes to be by herself,How should I react with that? How much time should I give her? sometimes I feel that I'm being strung along and she's keeping her options open, I hope i'm wrong. I expressed my feelings towards her and right now I feel I shouldn't say anymore and let time take it's course. In our conversations she does mention future plans together and that she would enjoy going on vacation with me. I feel that if she really cares about me why is it so hard for her to pour out her emotions? What approach should I take and should I stop pouring out my feelings and be a little more reserved and have her come to me? Any suggestions

  10. should I be concerned with the relationship she had while we were apart. it lasted for a short time.it does bother me a little but should it ? she said it was a mistake and he didn't treat her right. all he wanted was one thing from her and I think he dumped her. I hope he is out of the picture for good. should that be an issue. sometimes my thinking is that she got dumped by him, so she'll settle for me or is that a bad way of thinking?

  11. hi, i was in a longdistance relationship 2 years, and we broke off 6 months ago and we've spoken very rarely during that time, but she was constantly on my mind and I still love her. we broke off for the wrong reasons and i want her back. We got together last week and it was great, we were hugging and kissing but she was still being very cautious and being careful expressing her feeling, cause she doesn't want to get hurt again but she did say she missed me. It was really fustrating, during that time we were apart I wasn't interested in anybody ,she did have a short relationship and they almost went all the way the only reason they didn't was because he couldn't perform! there not seeing eachother anymore because she said he treated her like *beep* and all he wanted was one thing! At this point it bother me that she had another encounter i probably shouldn't hold that against her that would be selfish on my part, but it doesn't make me feel less for her but it is hard to get it off my mind. I'm trying everything i can to win her back, I'm doing most of the calling and sending her letters and flowers, but she still being carefull she wants to take things slow she wants to gain that trust back in me, i hope she will come around or is it to late? i'm doing everything i can or am I just fooling myself? should I continue persuing her calling and calling or should give her time and space to think about it? Or is it a mind game? I'm willing to relocate to be with her, But I want her to feel the same way for me! should i continue fighting for her? or play it cool? what strategy should i use?

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