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Posts posted by jones105

  1. Well I'm not sure how you "love yourself" but Cary Tennis (the agony uncle at link removed) once wrote something that sticks in my mind. He said something like "if you can't manage to love yourself then just try not to hate yourself instead"


    Well ... it helped me!

  2. Happy Birthday Carthiana. I went through the same thing back in December - It was hard. CarterJonas is right though. It is only temporary.


    if only? I TOTALLY agree with Noggy27. I've started making a list myself ranging from the small (owning a set of Le Creust saucepans) to the huge (learning to fly)

  3. I know that she won't go because phrases such as "not meant to be", "you were a mistake" and my personal favorite "we only got together because I had personal problems and I was 'hiding' in you"


    We worked together until about three weeks ago and I have to admit it was killing me (thats a mistake I won't make again!)


    I might not send it ... 3 months without her in my face all the time and I might have a different perspective on it. I guess that I'm hoping that sitting there listening to La Boheme next to "her" empty seat might help me get some closure on it which is obviously something I've not been able to get with her there all the time.


    Hi emptiness. Breaking into your ex bf mail box huh? Yeah it would make me feel better if I hadn't done it myself!! Not with this person though - it was a few years ago! I don't think that he'll know it was you though.

  4. So ... I KNOW its stupid and I know that I'll be sitting there alone because she won't come. I've done it anyway though ... I've just spent a hundred quid on two tickets for the opera.

    In November it will have been more or less a year since we broke up but I can't get her out of my head. If I still feel like this by the end of October I'm going to send her one of the tickets (no letter or anything) and leave it upto fate.


    I guess I just need people to yell at me and tell me how daft I'm being.


    Like I said she won't come.


    You can all yell now!

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