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Posts posted by SheGaveUp

  1. It seems like just yesterday we were just cuddling up next to the dogs. It sucks that I won't get to see them, won't get to see you. It's been almost 2 months since we last saw each other, since I last heard your voice. Why did you give up on me? Why wasn't I enough? I hate that I know deep down I'm never going to be able to replace you. It's always the best memories that hurt the most, taking you to my home country, meeting my entire family, and our first of what I thought were going to be many road trips, I can't stop associating you with them. Everywhere I go in this city, I'm reminded of you. I still have a hard time understanding how you can tell me you love me the morning of our breakup, and then want nothing to do with me. I still have so much hope about you coming back, but it isn't healthy. I love you too much that it's just so damn hard to let go.

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