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broken hearted in Az

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Posts posted by broken hearted in Az

  1. Girl I know down to the bone what you are going throw case I am going throw the same thing just 21!! just one a little higher level!! Hang in there ! there's nothing wrong with you it's him! Just like it's him with me! C what I am talking about at the topic the man I am going to marry is seeing his X that's me! and my story can u help me out maybe !! Hang in there and good luck in whatever happens 2 u in your life you'll find the right person! broken hearted in Az

  2. Well here I go I have been with my boyfriend for awhile now. He left to Tx. to trucking school I had no prob. with that yes at first was sad but got over it. Everything was fine at first or so I thought! Now 3 almost 4 months later I found out from everyone that he has been seeing his X out there just about the moment he got back. Mind you this is his home town! What makes me think even more all his/our friends that went out there to school are back in Az and telling me everything and his sister too! I asked why thy didn't tell me while over there and they sed they tried but every time they start he would come in the room and give them that look. He is not back cause he sed he wants to "work" out there for a months so he can get $$$$ and come back with that so we can start are lives together! I don't even believe him anymore what to do? What is hurting me the most I think is that he asked me to marry him and told his mom too!! That he wants to make me and make his wife! Even thought he has been gone this long I still hang out with his family and go to family things without him and kick it His family loves me!. It's like he is giving me a false sene out whats going on! Even his family now does not know what to think!! and feels bad for me. Also he calls like if it was nothing withe the I loves u's I miss u's I want to come backs let get married! Now to the phone calls get shorter and shorter less and less What I'm I to do? I think I know what to do but it hurts so much this is the man I am suppose to marry? HELP IN AZ GOING CRAZY THANKS!!

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