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Posts posted by klambert918

  1. This is a strange board. Such a different mix of emotions than what I've seen elsewhere.


    But I like it.


    I can't contact you, I want to so bad. I just want to tell you I love you and I miss you and have you tell me the same. I'm never going to be okay without you. You've changed my life. I sort of wish we did end on bad terms. We were good for each other. Supportive and loving. I'm going to miss you more than anything.

  2. He called last night. I couldn't help but answer.

    So here we go again. Day 1.

    He wants to revisit around Thanksgiving still. For what, I don't know. I just know that even though I want to use this time to focus on myself, I still feel very lost and confused.

    I'm pretty broken because of this. He is who I want to be with. I feel sick a lot. And sad all the time.

    I've been told that love will always find a way. But I'm being realistic. I think this is the end.

  3. Day 5. Actually had a legitimate issue I could have contacted her about today but held strong and didn't. I'm proud of myself.

    How do you not? I find every way to contact him somehow... email, text, Skype, fb.... somehow I feel like even though he's already moved out of state, I can convince him to come back. Like if he knows how much I'm hurting he will come back. But the strange thing to me is I know he's hurting too.

  4. Having a really hard time today. Cried a lot. Sad a lot. I feel very empty.

    The hardest part about all of this is that neither of us want to be apart. I can't get past that fact. We aren't mad at each other. We didn't intentionally hurt each other, or even really unintentionally for that matter. I miss him so damn much. I don't even WANT to get over him. I don't want to not talk to him. I don't want to be away from him. And he reciprocates those feelings. I think no matter what we choose to do, it's going to be painful.

    This is awful.

  5. Finally started day one. Took forever for each of us to do this. I'm pretty torn up about this. We only talked yesterday morning for a minute. He wants to think about what we both really want. It's hard because neither of us actually want this. Circumstances say otherwise.

    I miss him. That's for sure. I'm sad and lost and so confused about our situation.

    He tells me "don't let me go" "I can't imagine my life without you". But we're not together.

    I don't understand.

  6. Well, I thought Day one would be today. Looking like tomorrow. He actually left this morning, around 4 am. Sent me a text saying how much he loves me and I had to call him. I called him again about 3 hours later - sadly, and ironically, he was about one minute away from leaving our state. Which was really gut wrenching. He told me he would let me know when he reaches his destination, just so I know he's made it there safe. Then we begin the NC. We settled on Thanksgiving for a recontact date.

    This NC isn't because we both want it or because one of us is unhappy with the other. We are both extremely devastated at the ending of our relationship, so this is really just for us to be okay without each other. Eventually I want to be a part of his life... he meant more to me than anyone ever has. It's just far too difficult when I know he's not coming back.

  7. Day 1 NC starts tomorrow. He's moving to another state and ldr isn't possible. We are both devastated beyond description... our last night together was last. He left to pack his things this morning. Tomorrow he will be gone.

    We decided NC was best so we could both heal from this loss. We are both crushed. I can't fathom not sharing my life with him, but continuing to communicate will only make this harder.

    Any tips on how to keep NC? I already know I will be staring at my phone hoping his name pops up. I've never been so sad or felt such great loss.

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