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Posts posted by prettygreeneyes

  1. i dont think that it is ur fault. i think maybe if something did happen after u broke up, he doesnt want to tell u in case u dont have him back. maybe he wants u back so much that he thinks lying is the best way, even though it isnt. but i think u need to be able to trust someone if u have a relationship with them, so i dont know.


    tess xx

  2. E-mail fosters intimacy, as the telephone does but with usually greater permanency and potentially greater intensity.


    One of the most intimate of processes is the merging of two minds or two souls through e-mail communications between them, when there is nothing material between them but wires and electrical or electromagnetic signals, not even certain knowledge of their real names or any knowledge of the bodies they belong to.


    To be sure, this intimacy, as real as it is and as extraordinary as it might be, may be exceeded by what it sometimes leads to.


    If, after reaching e-mail intimacy, the names become known and the bodies merge, the word "intimacy" is inadequate to describe what is attained, there is no adequate word.


    (this was posted on a site called link removed by someone called quintessenual)

  3. thanku colls, chris and emptysoul, ur comments have been very helpful. i will try speaking to him on the phone more often so i am less nervous. i cant wait to meet him, but i think it will be very surreal indeed! i just hope i get over my shyness.


    tess xx

  4. hi,


    i think u should try and not get too attached to this guy because since u havent known him for that long u never know, he might one day just stop speaking to u, or only speak to u distantly, and that would hurt u a lot. but it may be that u just have an amazing connection and it would be good to pursue the relationship. just keep in mind that he might not be completely sincere.


    tess xx

  5. i have been speaking to this boy called sam, 17, who lives at the otherside of the country, on the internet for nearly 2 years now. but we really only started getting close when he broke up with his girlfriend of a year. he was really in love with her and was completely heartbroken. he didnt really have anybody else he could talk to about how he felt so he talked to me and told me everything and how he felt. he really leaned on me for comfort and support even though we only spoke on msn and by txt messages, it felt like he really needed me. months went by of us talking everynight and we built up a very close and loving relationship, and once he told me that he thought he actually did love me. this was really special because i knew he only said things if he meant them and it was the first time that i really believed someone when they said that. anyway, i could go on and on about our relationship but i'll get to the point now! after all the time we thought we should try speaking on the phone. but when we do i get all shy and cant think of anything to say. there are long silences and it just doesnt work. its horrible because i know we get on well on the internet. i am a very shy person but i can speak to other people on the phone. i dont understand it. we discussed meeting up but he says if i am like i am on the phone then it will be useless. it is pulling us apart really. why isnt it the same on the phone as it is online? i dont really know what i expect anybody to say to this cos there isnt an answer to the problem that i can think of, so dont worry if u cant think of a reply to this. but its just a problem cos i want to meet him so much but maybe it will be like it is on the phone.

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