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Posts posted by babyluvb2k

  1. I am in love with someone that could only date me illegally. I am a minor and he is 18 and 19 in july. I know that it is not legal. But if you love someone then why in the hell should age get in the way. I care about him so much buti don't know if he feels the same for me. I know that he likes me, but i don't know if our age difference is that big of a deal. I am not going to let age get in the way of me loving him. but i want to be able to be seen in public with him. i want to be able to tell everyone i love him and that we are dating. I don't know what to do????

  2. i know how you feel. i am going through the exact same thing. i want to spend all of my time wtih this guy that is 4 years older than me. he is in college and i would do anything fo rhim to feel for me as much as i do for him. i would tell him how i feel but i don't want to scare him off if he feels different. i care about him so much. he spends all of his time at work and school. i wish i new what to do also.

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