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Posts posted by ManyDates

  1. 2 hours ago, smackie9 said:

    This right there, is a red flag. Opening up like that is them using you as their emotional tampon. A lot of guys see that as a form of intimacy...trust me on this, it's not. That's an attention getter. She was an emotional succubus. So going forward if a chick starts talkin about how bad things are or were with another guy on your dates, run the other way or you are just opening up yourself to Shinning Knight Syndrome. 

    I learned this one the hard way back in college, I had a bunch of classes with this cute girl and we started hanging out daily, I even got her to come out for a drink, then when I asked her out again she told me she couldn't because she had to clean her apartment !

    I then knew something was up but we still had classes together and then it started, ex this, ex that, it was all she cared about.  We were also facebook friends, she would go to a bar for 2 hours yet upload 50+ pictures of herself at the bar (weekly!), all to try and make the guy jealous.  Thats when I clued in, the semester ended and I never saw her again.

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  2. I agree with you, but I follow some of these girls, not the naked ones, insta models with good sense of fashion style, or hair styling, girly stuff. But tbh my problem is I believe that I was born and live in a wrong era. I am an old-fashioned girl. I dont know where I got my values from but I have a way of thinking which doesnt help me to find a decent person to have a relationship with.


    For example this guy, he behaves like a very loving, caring, respectful person in person but once I check his social media account, I dont wanna see him. It puts me off. Why? Because to me, following nakes girls once in a relationship with me is wrong. I mean, I regret having such a way of tihnking. But thats just how I am.


    I have tried to adjust myself to fit in, but it doesnt work. I feel left out most times.


    Are you taking care of him in the bedroom? Are you SURE?


    I and a good friend of mine have both found ourselves in sexually unsatisfying relationships and there's nothing worse and when you aren't being satisfied, you go looking elsewhere for it - whether you want to or not.

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