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Posts posted by floridasfinest

  1. Well now I went against my own advice and went out to drink with my friends. what a horrible decision.


    Something on the internet made me remember why she cheated. All of a sudden these feelings of anger have overcome me. I dont know how i am going to sleep tonight. The thought of us growing up and her growing away from me makes me so angry. ugh...just a tough night I will have to deal with.


    I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. Mine was great until now...

  2. I made it 65 days without saying a word to her...accidentally saw a few pitcures of her in that time period. Then i flew home for a weekend to attend an event we were both invited to (I was very involved in the event, so was somewhat obligated to fly home to it).


    She approached me and we talked. She still has a lot of feelings for me. So now I have to restart the NC counter.


    15 days now. After we talked, exchanged texts, emails... I wish she never approached me. I tried so hard that night to stay away from her but when she came up to me I had to give in.

  3. Oh god. Its almost like its getting worse as the time passes now.




    You ever think that maybe she will never "get what she deserves"? That the day will never come where she realizes what she did wrong? Bro...youre clinging to the idea that one day she will magically "wake up" and realize that she isnt happy...sorry to say this bud, but that day probably aint going to happen. ever.


    You're probably right...shes out having fun with her new guy. While you rot. It's been 2 months. I am aware that it was a 16 year relationship, but now I'm beginning to see why she might have left you. Every single post you make on this forum is about YOU. You give advice, then you must tell your own story. You sound selfish and needy.


    You gotta accept it. Listen to sad music. Be the heartbroken one. Act the role and let it out. By the sound of your story...she aint coming back man. She's much happier now. It's been 2 months...not enough time to "get over it"...but surely enough time to stop acting like a selfish, insecure, whiny baby.


    Why can't you just sit down and tell yourself to man the hell up? I did. I cried every tear I had, then instantly made the decision to delete everything i had of her...I feel amazing now. You gotta grab your life while you can dude, or the habits you create now will last you a very long time...think about when you meet your dream girl, but youre still all jacked up because you never made the effort to get over the last one. You're just going to piss your life away.


    edit: feel free to PM me if you want. I'm sure you probably think im an a-hole, but you really sound like you need some one-on-one help.

  4. DAY 1!


    Very glad I broke NC today...I needed the closure. Although it was hard to hear those words come out of her mouth, it was just what I needed so I do not carry the weight of the decision, and can now properly heal.


    I am at a very very rough time in my life right now. It seems I have failed at everything I have tried at in the past 3 years...maybe this closure can be a turning point and a wake up call.


    Congrats to those who have gotten over an ex. I would have never imagined it would be this hard.

  5. grrrrr I just broke NC after 14 days. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.


    Did it because I kept thinking about how often she called or texted me towards the end and I really gave her no chance. I am weak, weak weak today. Lot of crap going on in my life right now.


    Had to vent. I gave in and now I feel horrible about it.

  6. I am technically on day 11...but its been about 23 days since I actually sent a real conversational piece. Wow I actually didnt notice it has been that long...I suppose I am wishing it wasnt, since I do really miss her. But whatever. Once trust is broken there is really no point in getting back together anyways.


    Good luck to all those in NC!! it sucks, but it has to be done

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