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Posts posted by Shyness_overwhelms

  1. i dont know what to do... i am going to have to trust her... no other option.. i am not going on the trip nor do i want to... if she loves me enough.. she wont do anything... then i will know if we are meant to be together ... if she does something... i dont know... this guy will brag.. i know he will.. i am friends with pretty much everyone going on that trip.. and yeah.. i want people to look out for her, but at the same time dont crowd her and watch over her closely... seem like im a weird person.. seem like im clingy.... but ya... i dont know wht to do...

  2. i am shaking right now. i have been shaking ever since last night. my girlfriend and i were going all good, until her ex called her. see, both of them are going on this france trip with a bunch of other people, and she is scared that she will do something that she will regret. something that would end up with me leaving her, she said this. see, she still loves him, but not like she loves me. your first love you will always have some love for. they stopped going out almost a year ago. this guy didnt say he loved her more than three times throughout their relationship. he would always leave and ditch her to play games, go play warhammer or whatever. once she and i start dating, boom... he is madly in love with her and starts saying all this stuff about how he loves her, he tells her the good memories and such, which in turn eventually makes her cry a little. he tells her to dump me. he said this one time on the computer when i was at her house and he knew it. i have a feeling that this guy will do something that will make her fall for him again. she says that she loves me more than anything, and yet she is scared she will do something. how can i tell anything? this is so confusing. we were talking last night on the net (which i dispise because you cant see eachothers faces to tell expression or anything) and i started to tell her how i think this guy acts. she tells me that none of that is true and that he would never do anything like that. then she gets really mad. she tells me to leave her alone. i dont know what i did to deserve her being so mad at me. why is this happening.

    please, could anyone shine some light on this situation?

    and i do not need any of the "shes not right for you, dump her and move on" or the "is she keeps this up, dump her..." or anything like those, because i hate those and i am not going to dump her over her being mad. i just wont do it.

  3. this is crazy.. i am like shaking. see... i pulled out before i came.. but.. i dont know if i went a little too early.. i dont know... and i am so scared of pre-come...it can get a girl pregnant... this is freaking me out... i cant even talk to her! that is all i want to do! i just want to talk to her right now!!! i know that will calm me down... dam... i dont know what to do... its not the sex part that only gets me.. its the part of her mom not letting her see me anymore... that is crazy! i am going to need to see a psychiatrist soon... this is all too crazy...

  4. i dont know what happened.... my girlfriend came over to watch a movie, she was getting scared, so we started cuddling... then we started going good... it was goin awesome, 2nd, 3rd (sorry bout the details) then we wanted to go home... so we did... and i regret ever doing so...

    that turned me all around... she was supposed to be home at 11... i got her home at 11:05... she turned off her phone cuz it was annoying and we were busy... so... ya. anyways... got home base... and i hated it... the only reason was, because i didnt put on a condom... that was my first mistake... i am just stressing out like crazy right now because i didnt use a condom.... and then, my girlfriend textd me and told me tht she is grounded for turning her cell phone off... and tht her mom wont let her see me anymore.... another kick to the nuts.... this just hurts so much... i screw up not once but twice! i am so stressed out...


    can anyone calm me down plz?? lol.. i am freaking out...

  5. me and my girlfriend have been going good. but, the things thats keeps getting brought up is the fact that she will go with what i do even if she doesnt want to do that. her old boyfriend made her this way, she says. he forced her to do stuff that she didnt want to do. i told her that i wouldnt do that. but i guess i am doing that. behind closed doors, she is shy and doesnt make decisions. like ok. i want this to go further of course... but i dont want to feel bad, nor do i want her to feel bad in any way either. it seems to me that i am doing the same thing as her ex. i hate that! i hate myself for being like this! when i ask her if she wants to do something, while we're in bed, she simply replies "i dont care" then i feel bad for doing it and she didnt want to... its a lose lose...lol... but ya...any comments or anything... come on... this is serious here....

  6. ok... here things are... me and my girlfriend have been going out for 3 weeks now... almost every lunch hour from school.. we come to my place and make out... we start to kiss and stuff... then its like she kicks into overdrive with the kissing. i love it! but, when she does that, she starts to breathe harder and pulls herself mroe into my body. with this.. i dont do anything else except just go with it. then the overdrive runs out and we just kiss a little bit more, until it kicks in again. but, i am wondering if when this overdrive thing happens... should i go the next step? like, my hands roam and she doesnt mind. should i try for 2nd? this is a kinda personal question here. lol. i feel as if i am slowing her down or something. what should i do?

  7. well.. if i go by those rules... i am in love. but... i feel as if it is way too early for love. we have been dating for almost two weeks now and have known eachother for about a month. i do and dont believe in love at first sight. its something that you cant just say you do believe. you have to witness it. and i dont know if i have witnessed it or not. this sucks, lol. i am confused about what love is and how to tell if i am in love.

  8. ok... heres the thing, a little bit back there, i was asking for help with this girl. then we ended up going out... we are still going out even though it has only been a little over a week. but... there is one flaw.... her parents... she told me tht they dont like her hanging out with me... and they dont even know me.. they havnt even seen a picture of me..lol.. and my girlfriend wont even letme meet her parents! i know that if they meet me, they will like me... but.. they arent too fond of the whole 1 1/2 years difference thing... her last boyfriend was 6 months older than her.. and her mom didnt like tht...try 1.5 years...


    once school starts... we wont have any time together, barely... she has lots of sports, and stuff... and then work, and then her mom to deal with... i told her that i will try everything and anything to keep this thing going... we told eachother tht we want it to keep going...


    it would suck soo bad if we broke up or something happened... i love being with this girl, she makes me feel awesome! like, i feel like a totally new person when im with her!


    but, what should i do about the whole parents thing? i am stumped.. people are telling me that this wont last.. but i seriously think it will... and if i think it will.. and if she does.. then it probably will..lol..


    i need some advice here! please! this girl is too much for me to lose!

  9. ok... as of now... we are going out... hopefully we can get more accomplished... she is going out of town later on today.. but she will be on msn often.. so... no big loss... she is gone for a few days... back on sunday i think or saturday.. and then the game is back on..lol...



    thnx for the info and help

  10. lol.. thnx alot... but... no water here... lol... i dont feel comfiterable just reaching out and holding her hand... i dunno why... i guess its cuz of my shyness... again.... everyone thts shy doesnt want to be.. but its extremelly hard to overcome it... i have been trying for a long time... its gotten a hell of alot better... but... i still get all nervous to a point with the girls i like....

  11. lol.. i have asked.. thts the thing... and we have hung out a such... but.. i cant conjour up the courage to make a move... its getting me pissed off... lol... and she even said tht she wont make the first move... dam... i dont know how to do it...

  12. ok... hi... it has been a very long time since i last posted anything.. i have a problem....


    this girl that i am going for.. well... we have been kinda dating.. but... she wants me to make a move on her... but the thing is.. i have never done it before... i have gone out with someone once.. and tht was to the fair...but,.... this girl.. i really like and i just cant seem to find the courage or even the wit to do this.. i dont know what to do!@!


    any and all help would be awesome.. thnx in advance

  13. im not sure if she knows about her boyfriend's habits or anything nor do i know if she does any herself.... she has been to parties and a bunch of people have seen her there but not doing anything except just hanging out.... by no means does she look like the kind oof person that would be doing something like tht anyways... but looks may be decieving.... i dont want to be the one tht confronts here about him or anything about their relationship... i am not trying to break them up..... i just dont believe tht she should be with him and tht is only my opinion.... i just dont know wht to do... ive been through this all before back in 8th grade, but it was with my friends and we were young....


    i cant tell her how i feel about her just yet... i know tht.. but i also know tht i cant tell her how i feel about her BF.... tht would just screw everything up probably.... she seems ok with everything that is going on in her relationship.....


    i really dont want anything to heppen to her tht would just crush her tht is why i cant do anything... but keeping back is the hard part....

    she has been with a few guys since she has been here, but they all ended like they should have,... "ok... i guess i'll see ya around then..." kind thing... this i dont think will be any different.... at least i hope not.....\


    i dont know wht to do.....

  14. Geez... it has been a long time since i have posted up on enotalone forums....

    ok... there is this one gal tht i have been mad over ever since i saw her for the first time this year... i was too shy to even talk to her, but then she made the first move... we have been pretty good friends ever since.... ok... now... i think she knows tht i like her because since we work in the mall (different stores) she comes over to my work and i give her lots of free stuff and she loves it... she asks why and i tell her tht a pretty girl like her shouldnt spend money here.... and such.... ...........


    yesterday, she came into my work and bought a drink.. i didnt see her.. she went to her work... then she came back handed me the drink she bought and asked me to open it because she said tht noone else at her job could... i did then she thanked me and left.....


    later on.. i was making some food, when she came over to me and we started to talk... she told me tht ppl at her job were all women and couldnt open the drink so she thought... hey! Toney (thts me) he could open this.... with his strong manly arms (she actually said tht)... i patted my arm muscles..... she then went on to say that it was the best drink that she had ever had..... it actually made me feel good inside... my coworker said "...way to go... getting a few points in..."


    i want to ask her out so bad... but the thing is... she is going out with a bad guy atm.... he does drugs, etc..... im not at all into those kinds of things.... theyve been going out for about a month maybe even more.. i didnt keep track....


    what should i do??


    thanks upfront

  15. he might not be shy when other people are around,..... but when its just you and him.... it sounds liek he is really shy.... thats probably why he didnt ask to take the garbage, out loud.....just say your sorry to him... and since ur talking to him... just keep going from there.... notice what he is doing.... compliment on it..... thatll sure stir something up..... u dont have to like him to talk to him....

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