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Posts posted by Dee24

  1. Hello,


    My boyfriend and I met in a chat room over a year ago. Well everything has went wonderful between us In fact I have never known a more loving and caring man. We talk on the phone everyday and plan on marring. We have not met in person but are doing so in Aug. Here is my problem he has a best friend that he has known for years and this best friend is Female. See I am not jealous in that I think that they are sleeping together because I Know he loves me...I have NO doubt in that. But I am jealous of the time she gets to spend with him when I am not able to at the moment. I have not told him of my feelings on this because I dont want him thinking I am making him choose between she and I because I would never do that. But I dont know how to get past these feelings. They hang out a lot and sometime I am on the phone with him when they are hanging out and I want sooo much to be with my man like she is able too. Please someone help me know what to do and how to get over this.

  2. Hello,


    I have been going through a lot since my Break up and need advice badly. Here is what happen.. My Ex and I were together for 7 years. I admit it was not the best relationship but I guess there is no such thing anyhow..near the end things got bad and we decided it would be best to have some time apart. So I moved out of the state to stay with family for a while. We did not talk for a while then he IMed me and said he want to talk to me...he said he wanted to have a open relationship ...which surprised me because it was so out of the blue. I asked why that was and if he was already seeing someone else. The only thing he said was maybe, well I did not hear from him for a few days. He IMed again saying he just wanted to be friends now. I was devestated since I thought our seperation was only a temp thing. Well come to find out he had found someone and has been spending every night at her house(and IMing me from there too) So a few night ago he IMed to say that his relationship was not working out and he was going to end it ...also that he missed me. The next day he did not end it so I had enough and I IMed his new G/F and told her what he had been saying but she did not seem to believe me and told me to stay out of there relationship and things I cant say on here. I explained He was the on IMing me not the other way around, so she said she would take care of it but once again he IMed saying he loves me...and I am just tired of the games. I do love him..I mean after 7 years how could I not but now he is playing on that...I dont know what to do. Every time he says he loves me and wants to work things out I get hope ....but am I just kidding myself? Please Help!!

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