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Posts posted by InkedBrunette

  1. Dearest M.


    We both know you cheated on me. I also know that you've been running around telling everyone that I so coldly broke up with you due to a falling out. We had a falling out because you were falling into a little girl.


    While you were telling me that I was your soulmate and you'd never leave me, I couldn't break up with you - you were lying. I often wonder just why you needed me? Was it for my 1950s belief system? Someone to take care of you while the little girl drained your savings??


    I know you don't work. Legally you can't. Your medical license is suspended in 6 different states because you showed up drunk to the ER. You also smoke pot. At 58


    Were you just desperate to not be alone? The way you treat people and your outlook on life will cause you to be single forever.


    You hurt me and you lied to me. You don't get to play victim here! You are a victim of your own selfish actions and behavior . Not a victim of me. How many times did you call me a ? A bully ? A psycho? All because I knew what was going on. When you're confronted you run and hide. You block your phone, ignore my email - did you think that I would tolerate this for long??? Was I supposed to lay down and be your doormat for the rest if my life while my son looked on?! I'm sorry Michael but I will NOT have my so. Believing that that is how a man treats a woman.


    Which reminds me, how often did you criticize my parenting? Yelling at me that I'm "raising a fag" because my son is in Irish Step Dancing? Because he liked to make rubber band bracelets? All because he doesn't wrestle or play rough? You constantly belittled me. But you had and will never have the right to pick on my child! You're 58, almost 59. He's 6. How is that right or fair?!


    My son is an amazing little boy. Unlike you, he doesn't see a race he sees a person. He doesn't care if you're straight or gay, he believes everyone deserves love and respect.


    He loves Irish Step and I can't even begin to explain the positive impact this has had! His confidence and sense of pride are growing. His ability to discipline himself is admirable. His ambition and tenacity are qualities you can only dream of!


    I can't even begin to tell you how disgusted I am by your need to pick on him. I'll also add that NO I don't spank him because he's up past his bed time it because he had a bad dream and wants to sleep in my bed. What will violence teach my son? That hitting is acceptable?! No thanks.


    M I loved you with everything I had. I believed in you and us. I supported you and when you were downright nasty to me, I took it in stride and respected that you were a bit stressed.


    Sadly all you did in return was lie to me, belittle me, and bring me down. You allowed another woman to enter your bedroom. You took pictures of her blowing kisses. You wouldn't add me to Facebook or admit to dating me because it was petty nonsense. But you couldn't wait to add the girl.


    Your words and half assed actions painted one picture, but your true actions that you thought I wouldn't see, told the story.


    You're a liar. A cheater. An insecure and bitter man seeking out his youth at the expense of others. All the lies about you being 39-43. You're 58. You look 58. Our relationship started with a lie, and ended with a lie.


    And one last thing before I forget, you do NOT have the right to use my condition to paint you as a saint! I may have some rare issues with my brain, but if you think you're the only man that can handle that, you're dead wrong.


    So stop saying in your hero, your inspiration and I left you cold. Try again there buddy! YOU lied. TOU cheated. YOU disrespected me. YOU smoked pot with a little girl and YOU pushed me away with your vile attitude and actions. I tried supporting you, helping you, and loving you. You chose to remain a monster. I hope you enjoy the 24yo. Don't come crying to me when she leaves again because you didn't buy her enough things.


    Signed NOT YOURS

  2. Day 1.


    Our story: I broke up with him. It broke my heart to walk away. I knew he was lying.. and I wanted SO badly to believe his lies.


    The day I broke up with him he told me he was never leaving me, I was the one for him, we were soulmates.... then he belittled me about how I raise my son when I asked if we were going to talk that night. Like we usually do. ...Instagram. He had photos of a 24 yo ex in his bedroom. Ready for St Paddys day. I lost it, he told me to take a xanax.


    He said I was crazy, a psycho, a stalker - and then told me "I just smoked pot with my roommate and then went to bed". He's 58.


    I want to believe his lies so badly... I find myself trying to break no contact but I cant. I changed my phone number, my email, blocked him on facebook, deleted my skype and created a new one - I went out of my way to be invisible... but its killing me.


    I'm 31, he was 58. He cheated with a 24 yo and while I knew he was cheating and the red flags were always there that he was not right in the head... I refused to accept them.

    Now, beause I apparently have no self worth LOL I find myself wanting to go back to him. I want to say yes, love me. Lie to me... and I dont know why. Im just insane in the brain I guess

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