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Posts posted by danman794

  1. I hate that every time I hear my phone go off I wonder if it's you. I hate how you acted the whole time we were together. I hate how you're just rebounding like it's no big deal. I hate that I can't sleep at night and you invade my dreams. I'm glad I was able to learn from the awful relationship we had, but I still hate you and never want to think about you again. Get out of my life.

  2. Day 21- Thinking about her more again. Less sad every time but thoughts of trying to get back together keep surfacing (only to be suppressed by me). Talking to new girls and have already lost a good amount of weight (started an intense diet and work out routine) and had a few ONS. I find I can still have as much fun as ever when I am doing some and can even be alone and feel good. I see her often (same classes) and I still get that pang when I see her (although its less and less every day). Saw her social media a few times (I haven't blocked her, SHOULD I?) and got over anything I saw (she posts VERY little) pretty quick and haven't thought much of it.

  3. Day 9-I sat near her today and it was somewhat hard to focus. She was uncharacteristically early to class which threw me off and made it awkward. We didn't talk. I plan on sitting very far away next time. Working out has helped me more than I ever thought it could and I feel better everyday. Had a problem dwelling on her for a bit today but it didn't last long. I am having an easier time studying and focusing and hope I can continue this trend. Hopefully I keep having good days and start playing the game this weekend, can you say party time?

  4. Day 6- Every day is a little better. Saw a picture of her on FB today (mutual friend) and while it hurt a bit seeing her with a smile, the feeling didn't last long. This is by far the longest we have ever been out of contact and I find that thinking about my plan to meet new girls is helping me a lot. I have fewer urges every day to look at her twitter/ FB. I deserve a girl who wants to show me affection outside the bedroom and that's what I'm focusing on.

  5. Day 2-Keep thinking about her (6th day of break up) but its slowly becoming less. About 3 times i've wanted to check her FB and Twitter but I managed to hold off by thinking of this thread. 4th day of working out and I think it is really helping me. I keep reading the get back together thread and thats helping keep me positive, even though I know that the chances are slim to nil.

  6. Day 1, my first real love. I have checked her twitter and facebook often. She posted "its a new me" on twitter the day after which hurt (although its very likely she was faking bc I know it hurt her a lot too). She also deleted some stuff that was on her wall from when we were together. I saw that 3 days later and it didnt hurt too much (maybe because I also realize that she is looking at FB and thinking of me). I cant get her out of my own head and want her back. We were together 13 months and spent every day together except for school breaks and summer (we are both 19). Any encouragement would help. I think ill want to get her back in a few months but I am going insane and need to be able to think straight again.

  7. Hi, Everyone. This is my first post and I was hoping for some advice/ positive feedback. So my and my Ex broke up 5 days ago. As you might expect, from it being both our first mature relationship (both 19 and in college and it lasted 13 months) we were both very emotional. As you might expect I begged her to change her mind that day and the next.


    Before our spring break she came and sat next to me in class and after class I told her that I wanted her to think hard about her decision and about the possibility of losing me in her life and whether she would truly be happy if I was with someone else. Her exact wording for the break up was she "needed a break and wanted to like/ be with other people." She said she didn't love me anymore and thought of me as a friend and needed time to think about her emotions. I agreed to being friends (although I am initiating no contact). We were each others first and I she says she still cares for me and I obviously care for her.


    So I was planning on doing no contact for 3-4 weeks and then sending her a letter saying i'm sorry (I didn't take care of myself and I feel like she lost attraction for me along with me not prioritizing her enough and spending quality time together (we spent most of our time together sleeping or studying)) and our relationship was flawed and I was working on self improvement. I was wondering whether to send it with flowers (she loves flowers). I am actually working on myself by changing the way I dress to be much better (I got to the point of sweat pants and a T-shirt everyday) and I have begun working out again (I was a very fit athlete when we met).


    I was wondering when you thought I should try and talk to her about our former relationship and how to go about telling her about no contact and what the best way to re-establish contact with her. Please keep in mind that we only have 8 weeks of school left and she lives 6 hours away from me. I was also hoping someone could tell me how to get over her as she is the first person I have ever loved this way. If I got over her and wanted to get back together I was thinking I'd either meet her over summer at my cabin (lots of good memories) or wait til school started again to try and re-kindle the flame (if I felt that was still obviously). I think she isnt sure of whats out there and wants to try it or she has met someone she kinda likes and want to try it out (our last month was very ty and I wasnt happy either so I kinda understand although I wish we had talked about it).


    Any advice would be appreciated, and I know there is a chance that she will never want me back, but I know we have had momentous impacts on each others lives and she cares deeply for me. Please note that we spent every day together and she probably got bored near the end (as did I, because of school stress) so we have a very close bond. And one last question: what does it mean that even a week before she broke up with me, she was saying she loved me (faking maybe) but we weren't very intimate. Sorry this is so long but I really care for her and am in post break-up panic mode. Highlighting questions.

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