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Posts posted by helloworld

  1. Yup, donating blood is great. I can't now because of the medicine I'm taking, but as soon as I'm off I'll go give another pint.


    For all of the people who will donate in the future for the first time, be sure you drink plenty of water-based liquids regularly; I used to drink mainly cokes--and hardly any water--before and up 'til my first donation, and it took like 40 minutes to give the blood because it was so thick. It was kind of embarrassing...


    But if I had to do that first time all over again, I would in a heartbeat. The embarrassment was well worth saving some lives.

  2. Man, this is almost a carbon copy of what happened to me a few years ago, only the guy was one of my friends. I understand what you're going through. (In my situation, we ended up kicking the girl to the curb since our friendship meant more than a stupid girl.)


    My advice is to sit down and talk one on one with your girl about this. Let her know the whole thing is distressing, and reinforce to her the fact that you want to know if she really has a thing for the guy or if they're just friends or what, even if that means you might be hurt.


    Basically, let her know she's "got some 'splainin to do." Good luck man.

  3. Hi guys!


    I think calling her would freak her out more than writing a letter. Remember, we haven't even seen each other in like 1.5 to 2 years. Calling her would be fine like a year ago, but I just can't do that now.


    The only reason I think writing a letter would freak her out is because I waited this long to do it; basically after all this time, out of the blue I write her. Do you guys think this would freak her out? If it would, I know calling would do the same. And even if not, it would surely be too awkward for the both of us.

  4. Hi everyone.. I need some advice...so please stay with me, it's gonna be a long post--sorry.


    Anyway, I'm currently 18. Out of high school and everything.


    A long while ago (probably 1.5 to 2 years) I used to ride the bus sometimes. There was this one girl who used to ride also; I didn't really like her but I was attracted to her--it just wasn't that compelling I guess, and since I'm a shy guy I didn't do anything about it. At the time, it was no big deal because as I said I didn't really have a crush on her or anything. Or so I thought.


    Fast forward to now. I keep thinking of her for some reason. The more I think about her the more intrigued I become. I no longer see her or I'd ask her out or something like that. I know her brother and I'm kind of friends with his friend; I was planning on telling him to help me out, but unfortunately I haven't talked to him in a long while.


    The problem is--besides not being able to get in contact with her--is that she graduates this year, so she might be going off to college far away or something.


    The only viable solution I've come up with is to send her a letter telling her how I feel. But I'm afraid if I do that, she'll think I'm some psycho for writing to her after this long.


    When we both rode the bus, we talked a few times. She knew me because I knew her brother and his friend, but that's about it. I have a suspicion she liked me too, but she is shy like I am so that might be why she didn't act on her feelings either. Of course, I've never been too good at picking up signs like that so I could be completely wrong there.


    What do you think I should do??

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