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Posts posted by Tony786

  1. I do understand your point, but would you even consider kissing a guy more than once, allow things to get heated only to say there's "no chemisty?" or you felt you weren't attracted to him? She neither complained or told me to stop, on the contrary she recipricated.

  2. Hiya guys


    I was introduced to a girl, by a mutual friend. She lived outside the area where i'm from and the only means of communication was by phone. For a month and a half we talked for at least 1-2 hours a day. A Couple of weeks ago, we met up for the first time. The whole date was going well, especialy at the cinema where things got a little heated between us. This happened more than once and she recipricated and didn't feel at all unconfortable. The downside to this all is when we spoke on the phone at night, and she told me "there wasn't any chemistry", I was shocked. The weird thing about was later on the convosation she said "the reason why i kissed you back was because i thought something was there".


    She has had a bad expeirence before she met me, when a guy who she was getting to know suddenly stopped calling her after meeting up with her for the first time (she said everything went well).


    All she could say there wasn't any chemistry, i personaly think that's a bulls--t excuse, as this isn't the type of person to kiss just anyone who she meets.



  3. Hiya Guys


    I was with my women for 5 months. Everything was brilliant about the relationship until she told me she wanted to go back to her ex.


    She was with him for 3 years and he was her first love, but the reason why broke up was because he hit her. He grabbed her head and slammed it against the car's steering wheel.


    7 months past went by and she met me. We were so close and were very loving to one anther. But the thing was her ex was always on the scene. He carved her name on her wrists; he had a car crash and e-mailed her the pictures of the wreckage. Not only did he e-mail her the pics he also picture messaged her the wreckage via his cell phone. She told me herself that the guys a psycho. Her ex's dad has a history of beating the crap out of his mother, and I am afraid that he is going to strike her again.


    I know when she was with me she was genuine and she really did fancy me. But now she's gone back to a guy who's probably going to strike her again and control what she thinks and does. She was so worried about telling him about me, that she thought he might flip out.


    I don't what to do...help!

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