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Posts posted by avsrule

  1. Ok, my girlfriend and I are planning on having sex very soon. We have been sexually intimate for a long while now, but never any actual sex. I'm a virgin and she is not, but she doesn't have very much experience. Anyway, I am aware that many women don't orgasm during sex, and I've been told that many women don't consider orgasms to be extremely important. I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject obviously, so anything at all that you could offer would be well appreciated. Now I'm not expecting any miracles for our first time or anything, but I would really like some tips on how I could give her an orgasm. Is this even a realistic goal for our first time? And if not, should I do something else afterwards to give her an orgasm (oral certainly isn't a problem for me)?


    P.S. Any other general tips on how to make our first time more special or anything would also be nice. Thanks.

  2. I'm in my last year of high school now and I have never really had a girlfriend (sad I know). I can think back through my school years and would probably be able to name a girl for every grade that I am pretty sure were interested in me, and most of them I too was interested in. I don't mention this to brag, just to make a point, which is that i have never been one to make the first move, or any move for that matter. In fact, I am quite possibly the laziest person and biggest procrastinator you could ever find. I've always been the type to use the logic that it is easier to regret something later then to do it now. Pretty poor logic I know, and believe me I have spent a fairly large chunk of my life regretting things that i didn't do.


    Well anyway there is a new girl now, one that i find myself quite attracted too. Also we are good "in school" friends, however, I don't often see her outside of school. I know by now you are probably saying "what's the problem? Ask her out already." Well it's a little more complicated then that, after all, every good story has to have some twists, so here are a few for this one. 1) Us being good friends has many positives no doubt, but it also makes it harder for me to read her. I spend most of my time with her trying to figure out if she's flirting with me or just being friendly. It's really tough because I am already terrible at picking up on when girls are flirting with me, which is kinda weird because i can usually pick out other people flirting from accross a crowded room. 2) I think she might have a boyfriend already but i don't know for sure. She mentioned to me about a month ago that she was involved with someone but she made a point to specifically mention that he was not her boyfriend. Anyway I have no idea what has happened between them since and I don't know the guy. I thought about trying to lead a conversation that I have with her with some subtle questions in a way that she would have to address the guy but I'm not exactly the king of subtlty. 3) This one is really good. Her and one of my best friends were involved in a serious relationship for well over a year that ended only about 8 months ago. If anything ever happened between her and I, I will personally go to him to see if he is ok with it. I know he would say that it's all fine but i also know that they did not end on good terms. While they don't hate each other, they definetly don't like each other and anything between her and I could seriously damage our friendship which I don't want.


    I know that I could probably just go straight to her and clear all of this up and maybe it would work out. However, it may not all work out. All I can think about is; what if she isn't interested? Or what if she does have a boyfriend? It's not the fear of rejection that bothers me so much. What bothers me is that if I did go to her and it didn't work out I can only imagine the akwardness that would put between us, and as I mentioned we are friends and while I am attracted to her I would never want to do anything to jeopordize that friendship.


    Any advice you can give me would be well appreciated. Anything related to how to find out if she is attracted to me or a nice subtle way to get some private, one-on-one time with her so I can find out would be nice. Also I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for the length of this post. What can I say? I've always been a story teller.

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