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Posts posted by polkadotpixie13

  1. I know I am 14 but don't stop, TELL HIM EVERYTHING YOU KNOW. DO YOU REALISE HE IS GOING TO FIND OUT SOONER OR LATER FROM SOMEONE. His mom isn't there to tell him. So you have got to do it! Wouldn't it rather be you or someone else? Maybe you could even scare him a little. I can also see his point of view, my dad is a hard corse cop for pheonix peoria born and raised in a 2 room apartment in the Bronx of NYC, he doesn't want anyone to touch his little girl or he'll punch your lights out. I have 4 peircings on each ear and going on 5, I couldn't help it it is great I love them I don't regret it, its all apart of growing up curiosity (I loathe tattoos and will never get one ha!) but I see. No offense but I am a catholic about to convert to hinduism, but sex is wrong at my age I know, I guess at any age I find it more spiritual and meaningful when you are married not to be ofensive you don't want to be the "village bycicle" everyone has had a ride, but make sure you teach him abstenance (spelled wrong I know) and that a condom doesn't work all the time, neither do birthcontrols (my mom is a surgeon at eldordo hospital she's seen it) I hope this helped-Lauren

  2. I know how you feel, Your mom cares about you obviously and it all seems like she is holding you back and doesn'y want you to have fun or have exspirience, (I know like you I am 14) it seems hard to except from another of the same age, but why don't you tell her that he wanted to touch you (have you already), and you said NO, that will probably put a little more faith in her, that you have been raised with the knowledge of abstenense. I kinda regret going out so early and my mom letting me cuz man there are things she doesn't know, yikes (don't worry not horrible)! I have told her all of them and I feel I am a better person, so if you haven't told her don't kee it from her, confrentaion works! It really does. I think you need to have a daughter to mom talk maybe work things out, set quidlines, screaming and yelling doesn't anything! I agree with everyone who has responded to you. All so tru. who knows you could invite him to dinner to meet your mom! Or if you feel confortable I wouldn't but just a suggestion get all three of you to talk and interact. Sorry I wasn't of much further help, I can say I know how you feel, don't worry its a phase that your mom's going through live and let live, she let go, just don't take advantage k?-laur PEACE!

  3. Oh so now u have something about gay people? JK. Did ya ever consider he's a bysexual? Its possible. Sre you gay? Are youinterested in him? You two could have something! If not don't exclude the guy because of his abnormal behavior towards the same sex.

  4. Pimple Shmimple Go get your self some Neutrogena Clear whipes (make sure the product has Salicylic Acid (2% or more) or some benzoyl peroide and ask her! If she declines to your request can't say you didn't try and you can rech the conclusion she's SHALLOW! I have dated someone with acne it wasn't bad its what's inside that counts! She'll look past the pimple and see you.

  5. Guys who have to keep an argument going, and going, and going, and going, and going, HEY i like to shop, FOR OTHER PEOPLE! Does that count huh? Not being too selfish am I! Maybe people with the same routines like it that way. Maybe it fits them some people are plain janes out there some aren't you have to respect that right there. What if they are afraid to change the norm? I did that once bad mistake, should have stuck to my usually corn cake snack at the grocery store but no instead I had to reach for those stupid hot cheetos, one i can take spciy, to I regurgitated! Guys don't always have to be with a girl while she shops, go make mischief and get caught with the mall guards or say you'll meet her here at this time cuz u want to go do something else. There are other solutions. Some girls know exactly what they are looking for. Its not a matter of direction, tell me this do gay guys know exactly what they want when the step foot in a store? They are still guys! So thereforeeee that is a steriotypical remark! BAM!-laur P.S. what is the "I wonder if they realise they are white". Are you prejudice? Get back to me on that

  6. Wow, I guess I am pretty new to but I know enough to know this, that's great you like her with a passion and get that sensation, I loved it when my boyfriend called me every night, (as a boyfriend you are taking on a new responsibility, a new thing to add to your agenda) when I was called every night it felt like he cared. He cared enough to take some time off his schedule and chat with me for a while, its a way of showing affection I guess you could say. You don't have to do it every single day if your busy she'll understand, but try not to make is speractic (only occurring once in a blue moon, when the moon isn't very blue) anyways, I don't want to sound to general but people have different speeds, perferably I like mine slow, such as no kissing on a first date that's for later (maybe I am a little authentic I don't know) because kissing is a more serious sign of affenction, it also speaks to her saying you can go without kissing (like for a married couple going with out sex) is a more keaner test of your affection, but if she wants it I guess she's given you the ok to give it to her! I say every chance you get, or have some free time on your hands to ask her to do something with you, its all a matter of interacting. Hope I assisted you, good luck-laur

  7. CHOCOLATE! Chocolate warms the hardest hearts! Why don't you get her some flowers, and chocloate (firstly). Second, you could have stroke when the iron was hot, thirdly you two are perfect for each other right now because you are also making the situation complicated (not to be impurdenent or anything)

    "I want to be more then just friends with her but me getting upset last night told her that I was done with her and the shes to stubborn and complicated for me.. Even though it was a lie, because I love this girl so much.. I tell her to breakup with her boyfriend she always tells me she has no reason to..I want to go out with her..."

    (From the words of your own hand) and tell her what you typed, you obviously care enough about her to check on the guy she hardly knows. There is always a reason to break up with someone trust me. I always make lists of the pet peeves of my former boy friends I've had. She could tell him she loathes with a passion one of his. Also you could always go with the "I like someone else can we still be friends" tactic, or the "I think we are better off as friends". That way he doesn't know there is someone else and hopefully doesn't question. Hope I assisted ya good luck!-Laur

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