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  1. This reminds me of how much I love the autumn season in New England; the leaves can be the most sparkly golden orange, but if there's no "dewy, crisp" factor in the air, it's like a painting. I see it, but I'm not experiencing it. I once heard a funny (and gross lol) saying: "Love and happiness are like farts: if you have to force them, they're probably poop." Bottom line: sounds like you should file for a divorce. Or at the very least, a trial separation.
  2. Sorry I forgot to answer your question. Yes I feel a sense of “belonging” if it’s also a happy event. (I made sure I got up to watch Prince William and Harry’s weddings.)
  3. I wouldn’t say I’m attention-seeking. I just have all these memories of my odd behavior (which I don’t view as odd) and I’d like to see if neurotypical people can affirm my behavior was autistic/not normal OR if it was all right that I acted the way that I did.
  4. Well, being unique isn't always viewed/experienced as a positive thing, sadly. My entire life I felt I never fit in. (And for the obvious reason. 🧩)
  5. I repeat: it was the circumstances that day that made me take a photo of the TV. (The photo was obviously to look back on and see how much our house has changed since that infamous day that changed the world. I knew nothing was going to be the same again, and I wanted to soak in the fact that I was around for it all.)
  6. This actually made me feel better....but why is that?
  7. Rather it wasn't the tragedy itself that I enjoyed...it was the fact that I knew such a monumental event comes once in a lifetime, and that it was something that was going down in history----and I was going to be able to say "I was there." (You know what I mean.)
  8. lol no, that is not my intent. I'm trying to understand if my reaction to the 9/11 tragedy was normal on some level. Everyone either seems to think it was highly odd OR they understand that it gave me a sense of importance and belonging.
  9. Ironically, I would think you of all people would understand that it is a wide spectrum. 🤨
  10. There's a saying that goes, "If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism." In other words, no 2 autistic people are alike and it is a W-I-D-E spectrum. (To put it mildly.)
  11. I know I keep saying it, but it's because I'm autistic. (The A in Autism should stand for Anti-social, lol.)
  12. The comments where I put "lol" and smileys have nothing to do with the 9/11 tragedy.
  13. I'd say I'm looking for both. It'd like someone to be my partner to do activities with, but ALSO if that person understood my autism and is patient with it, would obviously be a plus.
  14. Her name was Jacki. She stopped being friends with me for a couple reasons; mainly because she got annoyed when I texted her GIFs asking where she was when she didn't reply to my texts after awhile. That just really annoyed her. Also because she got a new job so her hours changed drastically, which made it hard for us to meetup for dinner and make plans to do stuff.
  15. Why is such a terrible thing that I like the feeling of "belonging" to an event that went down in history? I have seen over a dozen therapists since I was 16. Only a select few have genuinely helped. I do take medication to help with my depression, OCD, and anxiety. I'm also autistic.
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