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  • Gustavo Richards
    Gustavo Richards

    Top 11 Quotes About Friendship Ending

    Key Takeaways:
    • Embracing change is vital for growth
    • Forgiveness paves the way for healing
    • Loss opens doors to new beginnings

    The end of a friendship, a bond once deemed unbreakable, can be one of life's most unforeseen challenges. This article delves into the nuanced emotional landscape that unfolds as friendships conclude, guided by poignant quotes about friendship ending. Our journey through these moments is not just about navigating loss, but about discovering the strength and resilience within ourselves to embrace change, forgive, and ultimately, move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

    Friendships are unique relationships that often become our chosen family, offering support, laughter, and memories that seem to defy the constraints of time. Yet, like all things in life, friendships can reach a conclusion, leaving behind a complex mix of emotions. It is in these moments of transition that we find ourselves searching for understanding and solace, often turning to the wisdom found in quotes about friendship ending.

    The reasons behind the dissolution of a friendship are as varied as the friendships themselves. Sometimes, it's a gradual drift brought on by life's diverging paths; other times, it's a sudden break caused by unresolved conflicts. Regardless of the cause, the impact of such endings can deeply affect our emotional well-being and our outlook on relationships moving forward.

    In this exploration, we aim to offer not only comfort but also perspective. Through the wisdom encapsulated in carefully selected quotes, we seek to illuminate the path through the pain, towards understanding, acceptance, and growth. Each quote, each story of friendship concluded, serves as a beacon for those navigating the murky waters of emotional recovery.

    As you journey through this article, you'll discover that the end of a friendship, though painful, also offers invaluable lessons about yourself, the nature of relationships, and the art of letting go. The quotes about friendship ending are not just reflections of loss but are also profound insights into the human experience, offering guidance and hope for the future.

    Let's embark on this journey together, understanding that while the end of a friendship may feel like a small death, it is also the birthplace of newfound wisdom and strength. Here, in the raw and real reflections on loss, we find the seeds of resilience that prepare us for the friendships and experiences that lie ahead.

    The emotional journey of processing the end of a friendship is complex and deeply personal. However, by sharing in the collective wisdom of those who have walked this path before us, we can find solace, understanding, and the courage to move forward with grace and optimism.

    Understanding the Emotional Impact of Friendships Ending

    The emotional impact of a friendship ending can be profound, affecting our mental health, self-esteem, and social dynamics. It's a unique form of grief, one that often goes unrecognized in its intensity. This section aims to unpack the layers of this emotional experience, providing insights into the common feelings and challenges that accompany the end of a friendship.

    Initially, there may be a sense of disbelief or denial. The realization that a friendship you valued is no longer a part of your life can be hard to accept. This disbelief gradually gives way to a myriad of emotions: sadness, anger, confusion, and sometimes, relief. Each of these emotions contributes to the complex tapestry of healing, each requiring acknowledgment and care.

    One of the hardest aspects to navigate is the questioning of one's self-worth and judgment. The end of a friendship often leads us to reflect on our role in the relationship's dissolution, sparking a critical examination of our actions and choices. While self-reflection is healthy, it's important to balance it with self-compassion, recognizing that relationships are a two-way street, and their endings are rarely the fault of one party alone.

    Ultimately, understanding the emotional impact of friendships ending is about recognizing the process of grief and giving ourselves permission to mourn. Just as importantly, it's about finding ways to grow from the experience, using the insights gained to build stronger, more meaningful connections in the future. This section explores these themes in depth, guided by the wisdom of quotes about friendship ending, offering a roadmap for those navigating this challenging but ultimately transformative journey.

    1. The Moment You Realize It's Over


    The moment you realize a friendship has ended is often quiet, unmarked by the fanfare of dramatic exits, yet it resounds deeply within the corridors of your heart. It might dawn on you in the midst of a routine day, a sudden clarity that the connection you once treasured has irrevocably changed. This realization is a profound turning point, signaling not just the end of a relationship but also the beginning of a journey into self-reflection and healing.

    For many, this moment comes with a flood of memories, a cascade of what was once shared. Laughter, secrets, and dreams once intertwined now feel like echoes from a distant past. The weight of this realization can be overwhelming, as it brings with it the grief of loss, a mourning for the companionship that once provided comfort and understanding.

    This pivotal moment is also one of isolation, a feeling of being adrift in a sea of emotions without a familiar shore in sight. The loneliness that accompanies the end of a friendship is distinct, born from the absence of a person who once played a significant role in your life's narrative. It's a space where silence speaks volumes, and the absence is felt as keenly as a physical void.

    Amidst the turmoil, there is also an undercurrent of resilience. The realization that a friendship is over is a testament to the capacity for growth and change. It marks a point of departure from the known to the unknown, a challenge to forge new paths and discover new facets of oneself. This moment, though steeped in sorrow, is also a crucible for transformation.

    Understanding and accepting the end of a friendship is a process, one that requires time, patience, and self-compassion. It involves grappling with questions of identity, value, and belonging, as the absence of the friendship forces a reevaluation of self and relationships. This period of introspection is crucial for healing, allowing for a deeper understanding of the dynamics that led to the friendship's conclusion.

    As we navigate through the pain and reflection, we begin to see glimmers of hope and renewal. The end of a friendship, while a significant loss, also opens the door to new opportunities for connection and growth. It teaches us about the impermanence of relationships and the importance of cherishing the moments we have with those we care about.

    2. Reflecting on What Was and What's Lost

    Following the realization that a friendship has ended, reflection becomes an integral part of the healing process. It's a time to look back on what was shared, the joys and challenges, and to acknowledge the impact of the loss. This reflection is not about dwelling in the past but about understanding the role the friendship played in our lives and the void its absence has created.

    The act of reflection often brings a mix of emotions to the surface. It's common to experience a sense of nostalgia for the good times, a longing for the laughter and camaraderie that was once taken for granted. Simultaneously, there may be feelings of regret or sadness over what could have been, over misunderstandings and disagreements that were never fully resolved.

    Reflecting on what was lost also involves acknowledging the growth that occurred within the friendship. Friendships, like all relationships, serve as mirrors, reflecting our best and sometimes our most challenging traits. They offer lessons in love, compromise, and resilience, teaching us about our capacity for empathy and understanding. Losing a friendship means losing a part of this reflective surface, a source of learning and self-discovery.

    However, this period of reflection also offers an opportunity for gratitude. Gratitude for the moments shared, for the support and joy that the friendship brought into our lives, and for the journey that it represented. Even in its ending, a friendship can leave us with valuable insights and memories that shape our perspective and our approach to future relationships.

    Ultimately, reflecting on what was and what's lost paves the way for acceptance. It helps us to come to terms with the reality of the situation, to appreciate the complexity of human relationships, and to recognize that endings, as much as beginnings, are a natural part of life's ebb and flow. This acceptance is a crucial step toward healing and moving forward with openness to new experiences and connections.

    3. The Pain of Growing Apart


    Growth is an inherent part of life and relationships, yet when it leads to friends growing apart, the experience is laden with pain and confusion. This divergence often happens gradually, the subtle drifts accumulating over time until the distance becomes too vast to bridge. It's a silent transformation, marked not by a single event but by the accumulation of changes in interests, values, and life paths.

    As individuals evolve, their needs, aspirations, and perspectives shift, leading to a natural yet sorrowful reevaluation of friendships. This growth can be a source of pride but also of grief when it means losing connection with someone who was once a significant part of your life. The realization that the person who once understood you seemingly no longer shares your world can be deeply disorienting.

    The pain of growing apart is compounded by the memories of shared experiences, now tinged with the melancholy of loss. These memories serve as reminders of a time when the bond seemed unbreakable, making the present reality all the more difficult to accept. The contrast between past closeness and current distance highlights the transient nature of relationships, a truth that is often hard to come to terms with.

    This process of growing apart is not only about the loss of the friend but also about confronting one's own changes. It prompts introspection about personal growth and the direction one's life is taking. While this can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself, it also necessitates mourning the parts of your identity that were intertwined with the friendship.

    Communication, or the lack thereof, plays a critical role in the pain of growing apart. The decrease in conversations, the unreturned messages, and the growing silences are all markers of the distance setting in. These moments of realization are often accompanied by a mix of denial, hope, and eventual acceptance that the friendship as it was is no longer sustainable.

    Yet, within this pain, there is also a recognition of the inevitability of change in human relationships. Acknowledging that growth often means moving in different directions can be a step towards healing. It allows individuals to cherish the friendship for what it was while opening themselves up to new relationships and experiences that align with who they are becoming.

    Confronting the pain of growing apart is an essential step in navigating the end of a friendship. It involves acknowledging the loss, reflecting on the growth that has occurred, and gradually finding peace with the change. This process, though challenging, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of transition and loss.

    4. Accepting Change as a Part of Life

    Acceptance is a cornerstone of healing from any form of loss, including the end of a friendship. Recognizing that change is an inherent part of life allows us to move through our grief with grace and resilience. This acceptance doesn't happen overnight; it's a gradual process that often requires us to confront our fears, doubts, and the discomfort of stepping into the unknown.

    Embracing change means understanding that friendships, like all relationships, can have seasons. Some are meant to last a lifetime, while others serve their purpose and naturally conclude. This perspective helps to mitigate the pain associated with endings, framing them instead as part of the natural cycle of growth and renewal.

    Part of accepting change involves letting go of the need for control. In the context of a friendship ending, this means releasing the desire to hold onto the relationship as it was, acknowledging that people and circumstances evolve. Letting go allows for the emergence of new opportunities for connection that are in alignment with your current path and state of being.

    Acceptance also fosters gratitude. By reflecting on the positive aspects of the friendship and the lessons learned, individuals can find a sense of peace and thankfulness. Gratitude for the experiences shared and the growth facilitated by the relationship can ease the transition into this new chapter of life.

    Ultimately, accepting change as a part of life enriches our emotional landscape. It opens us up to a broader range of experiences, fostering resilience and adaptability. This acceptance is not an erasure of the past but an acknowledgment of its role in shaping our present and future. Through this lens, the end of a friendship becomes not just a source of sorrow but also a stepping stone towards personal evolution and deeper connections.

    5. The Hard Truth About Compatibility

    One of the more challenging aspects to come to terms with in the aftermath of a friendship's end is the hard truth about compatibility. Over time, it becomes evident that not all friendships are built to last, and compatibility, both emotional and situational, plays a significant role in determining the longevity of a relationship.

    At the core of many friendships is a shared set of interests, values, or experiences. However, as individuals grow and evolve, so too do their interests and values. What once was a strong foundation for a friendship can become a source of divergence, leading to the realization that the compatibility that once existed has diminished.

    This shift can be subtle, often going unnoticed until significant differences in outlook or lifestyle emerge. The discovery that you and a friend no longer see eye to eye on matters you once agreed upon can be disheartening, revealing a gap that can be difficult, if not impossible, to bridge.

    The hard truth about compatibility also extends to how friends cope with life's challenges. As people navigate their own paths, their ways of dealing with stress, conflict, and change can vary widely. These differences in coping mechanisms can strain a friendship, especially if one person feels they cannot rely on the other in times of need.

    Accepting that compatibility is not a constant but a variable that changes over time is crucial. It requires acknowledging that the end of a friendship is not necessarily a failure but a natural progression of life. This acceptance can be a painful process, fraught with questions about what could have been done differently, yet it is also an opportunity for growth.

    In facing the hard truth about compatibility, there's a valuable lesson in understanding the dynamic nature of relationships. It teaches us to cherish the connections we have while they last and to let go with grace when the time comes. This lesson, though learned in the context of a friendship ending, applies to all relationships in our lives.

    Ultimately, the journey through understanding compatibility, its impact on friendships, and its role in the natural cycle of relationships, is a testament to the complexity of human connections. It's a reminder that every friendship, regardless of its outcome, contributes to our understanding of ourselves and others, shaping our approach to future relationships.

    6. Learning from the Experience

    The end of a friendship, while undoubtedly painful, also provides a rich ground for learning and personal development. Reflecting on the experience allows for a deeper understanding of oneself, the nature of relationships, and the complexities of human interaction.

    One of the first lessons often learned is the importance of communication. Many friendships falter due to misunderstandings, assumptions, or a lack of openness. Reflecting on these aspects can illuminate areas for improvement in future relationships, emphasizing the value of clear, honest dialogue.

    Another valuable insight gained is the recognition of one's needs and boundaries in a friendship. The end of a relationship can highlight what one values most in connections with others, as well as personal limits. This understanding is crucial for establishing healthier, more fulfilling relationships moving forward.

    Ultimately, learning from the experience of a friendship ending involves embracing resilience. It's about recognizing that while the loss of a friendship is a significant event, it's also an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and the cultivation of new relationships. This process of learning and moving forward, enriched by the lessons of the past, is an essential part of the human experience.

    7. Moving Forward with Gratitude

    Moving forward from the end of a friendship is a journey that involves not just acceptance and healing, but also the cultivation of gratitude. Gratitude, in this context, is about finding value in the experiences and lessons learned, even amidst the pain of loss. It's a powerful tool that transforms our perspective, enabling us to appreciate the positive aspects of what we've shared and learned.

    Recognizing the growth that emerged from the relationship is a fundamental part of moving forward with gratitude. Every friendship, no matter how it ends, contributes to our development and understanding of the world. This acknowledgment allows us to hold onto the good, even as we let go of the connection that once was.

    Gratitude also involves appreciating the role the friendship played at a particular time in our lives. There are reasons why each person enters our lives, and reflecting on the joy, support, and companionship offered can help mitigate the bitterness of the ending. This reflection fosters a sense of thankfulness for the moments of happiness and the strength gained from overcoming the challenges faced together.

    Another aspect of moving forward with gratitude is recognizing the opportunity for new beginnings. The end of one friendship often opens the door to other relationships and experiences. Gratitude allows us to be open to these new possibilities, recognizing them as chances for growth and happiness.

    Embracing gratitude doesn't negate the pain or the loss but offers a way to integrate these experiences into our life's narrative positively. It helps shift the focus from what's been lost to what can be gained from the experience, including a deeper understanding of ourselves and our capacity for resilience and compassion.

    Gratitude also extends to oneself, acknowledging the strength it takes to navigate the end of a friendship and the courage to remain open to new connections. This self-recognition is crucial for healing and moving forward, as it reaffirms our worth and resilience.

    In essence, moving forward with gratitude is about weaving the past, present, and future into a narrative that honors the significance of the friendship while also embracing the potential for new adventures and relationships. It's a journey that enriches our lives, making us more empathetic, resilient, and open-hearted individuals.

    8. The Role of Forgiveness in Healing

    Forgiveness plays a pivotal role in the healing process following the end of a friendship. It's a complex and deeply personal journey that involves letting go of grievances and hurt to move forward with peace and clarity. Forgiveness is not about excusing or forgetting the pain but about freeing oneself from the burden of resentment.

    One of the first steps in embracing forgiveness is acknowledging the emotions involved. Recognizing and accepting feelings of anger, betrayal, or sadness is crucial. This acceptance doesn't weaken us; rather, it opens the path to understanding and eventually forgiving. It's a process that requires patience and self-compassion, as healing cannot be rushed.

    Forgiveness also means coming to terms with the fact that friendships, like all relationships, are imperfect. It involves understanding that both parties have limitations and that mistakes are part of the human experience. This perspective doesn't diminish the pain but places it within a context that fosters empathy and forgiveness.

    Ultimately, forgiveness is a gift to oneself, a crucial step towards healing and emotional freedom. It allows us to release the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future with a lighter heart. Forgiveness, while often challenging, is an essential component of moving forward after the end of a friendship, paving the way for inner peace and new beginnings.

    9. Finding Strength in Solitude

    The end of a friendship often thrusts us into periods of solitude, moments ripe with reflection and self-discovery. While initially daunting, solitude can become a powerful source of strength, offering the space and quiet needed to reconnect with oneself. It's in these moments of alone time that we can truly listen to our inner voice and understand our deepest desires and values.

    Solitude allows for introspection, a chance to process the emotions and lessons stemming from the friendship's end. It's an opportunity to ask ourselves hard questions about what we truly seek in relationships and life. This self-inquiry can lead to profound insights, fostering a stronger sense of self and clarity about the future.

    Moreover, finding strength in solitude involves embracing the discomfort that comes with being alone. It's about learning to enjoy one's own company, finding joy and contentment in solitude. This doesn't mean isolation but rather the appreciation of the peace and freedom solitude can offer.

    During these solitary periods, we can also cultivate new interests and passions that were perhaps sidelined or undiscovered in the company of others. Solitude becomes a canvas for creativity, learning, and personal growth, allowing us to expand our horizons beyond the confines of past relationships.

    Furthermore, solitude teaches resilience. It demonstrates that we can face loneliness and emerge stronger, more self-aware, and more confident in our ability to navigate life's challenges. This resilience is invaluable, not just in personal relationships but in all aspects of life.

    It's also important to recognize that finding strength in solitude doesn't negate the value of relationships. Instead, it prepares us to enter into future friendships with a more solid foundation of self, ensuring that our connections with others are healthier, more balanced, and more fulfilling.

    Ultimately, solitude should not be feared but embraced as an essential step in personal development. It offers a unique opportunity to reset, reflect, and recharge, laying the groundwork for a future where we are more in tune with who we are and what we want from our relationships and our lives.

    10. Embracing New Beginnings

    After navigating the emotional landscape of a friendship's end, embracing new beginnings can feel like a breath of fresh air. It's a chance to apply the lessons learned, to forge new connections, and to explore new aspects of oneself. New beginnings are not about replacing what was lost but about moving forward with a deeper understanding and appreciation for life's impermanence and the beauty of new connections.

    Embracing new beginnings involves being open to new people and experiences. It requires letting go of the past, not by forgetting it, but by acknowledging its role in your growth. This openness is crucial for forming new relationships that are in alignment with who you are now, not who you were.

    It's also about setting intentions for the future. What qualities do you seek in new friendships? What boundaries and values are non-negotiable? These questions guide the journey towards fulfilling and meaningful connections, ensuring that future friendships enrich your life and support your growth.

    New beginnings offer an opportunity to redefine oneself. They are a canvas for experimentation, for taking risks, and for stepping out of comfort zones. This period of exploration is vital for discovering new passions, interests, and facets of our identity that were previously unexplored.

    Lastly, embracing new beginnings is an act of courage. It signifies a willingness to face the unknown with optimism and an open heart, trusting in the journey and the lessons it will bring. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, ready to find joy and connection in the face of past losses.

    11. Quotes About Friendship Ending

    Throughout history, philosophers, writers, and thinkers have mused on the nature of friendship and its inevitable endings. These quotes about friendship ending offer solace, insight, and perspective, providing a lens through which we can understand our own experiences of loss. They remind us that we are not alone in our feelings and that the end of a friendship, though painful, is a part of the human experience.

    "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." This quote captures the transient nature of relationships, emphasizing the lasting impact they can have on us, regardless of their duration.

    "No friendship is an accident." - O. Henry. This reflection suggests that every friendship, even those that end, has a purpose. It's a reminder to cherish the lessons and growth that come from each person who enters our lives, recognizing the value they've added, even if their stay was temporary.

    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again." - Charles Dickens. While primarily about reunions, this quote also speaks to the cyclical nature of relationships. It offers hope, reminding us that endings are not always forever and that new beginnings are always on the horizon.

    "Friendships cause heartbreaks too, but with every ending comes a new beginning." This sentiment underscores the idea that while the end of a friendship can be as painful as any romantic breakup, it also opens the door to new relationships and opportunities for growth.

    FAQs About Dealing with the End of a Friendship

    How can I cope with the loss of a friendship? Allow yourself to grieve the loss, seeking support from other friends or a professional if needed. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and give yourself time to heal.

    Is it normal to feel relief after a friendship ends? Yes, feeling relief is normal, especially if the friendship was fraught with conflict or no longer served your well-being. It's a sign that the end of the relationship might have been necessary for your personal growth.

    How can I learn from the end of a friendship? Reflect on the dynamics of the friendship and your role in it. Consider the qualities you now seek in future relationships and how you can be a better friend moving forward.

    What are some healthy ways to move on? Focus on self-care, pursue new interests, and allow yourself to meet new people. Setting new goals for yourself can also provide direction and a sense of purpose.

    How do I deal with mutual friends after a friendship ends? Be honest but respectful about the situation, avoiding gossip or forcing mutual friends to take sides. It's important to maintain healthy boundaries and respect everyone's right to their own relationships.

    Can a friendship ever be rekindled after ending? While not always possible, some friendships can be rekindled if both parties have grown and are willing to address the issues that led to the friendship's end. Open, honest communication is key to navigating this delicate process.


    The end of a friendship is a significant emotional event that can lead to a period of introspection and growth. Through understanding the reasons behind the ending, embracing the lessons learned, and moving forward with gratitude and hope, it is possible to navigate this challenging experience with grace and resilience. The quotes about friendship ending, along with the insights provided in this article, serve as a reminder that while some relationships may conclude, the journey of self-discovery and connection continues. May you find solace in the knowledge that new beginnings are always on the horizon, each with the potential to bring joy, growth, and lasting connections into your life.

    How to Cope with the Loss of a Friendship

    The loss of a friendship can be a deeply painful experience, akin to grieving a significant part of your life. Coping with this loss requires time, self-compassion, and active steps towards healing. The first step is to allow yourself to feel the full range of emotions that come with the end of a friendship, from sadness and anger to relief and confusion. Acknowledging these feelings without judgment is crucial for emotional processing.

    Seeking support from other friends, family members, or a mental health professional can provide comfort and guidance during this difficult time. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone who listens without judgment can help alleviate the sense of isolation that often accompanies the end of a friendship.

    Engaging in activities that you enjoy or that bring you a sense of fulfillment can also serve as a powerful coping mechanism. Whether it's diving into a hobby, exercising, or exploring new interests, these activities can provide a distraction, boost your mood, and help you rediscover aspects of yourself that were overshadowed by the friendship.

    Writing about your feelings and the experience of the friendship ending can be a therapeutic way to process your emotions. Journaling offers a private space to express yourself freely, reflect on the relationship, and clarify your thoughts and feelings.

    Setting new goals for yourself, both personal and professional, can help shift your focus towards the future and the opportunities that lie ahead. Goals give you something to work towards, fostering a sense of purpose and direction in a time that might otherwise feel aimless.

    Finally, giving yourself time to heal is perhaps the most important aspect of coping with the loss of a friendship. Healing is not a linear process; it involves ups and downs, and it's essential to be patient with yourself throughout. With time, the pain will lessen, and you'll find yourself moving forward with resilience and a deeper understanding of yourself and the relationships you value.


    The ending of a friendship is a profound experience that can bring about significant emotional turmoil but also offers opportunities for growth and self-discovery. It challenges us to confront our feelings, to learn from the experience, and to move forward with a greater appreciation for the connections that shape our lives.

    As we navigate the complexities of friendships ending, it's important to remember the value of self-care, the importance of seeking support, and the power of embracing change. These elements are crucial for healing and for building the foundation for new, fulfilling relationships.

    The journey through the end of a friendship, though fraught with challenges, also opens the door to new beginnings. It invites us to reflect on what we truly value in relationships, to strengthen our relationship with ourselves, and to remain open to the possibility of new connections that bring joy, growth, and understanding into our lives.

    Let the quotes about friendship ending and the insights shared in this article serve as a guide through the process of dealing with the loss of a friendship. May they offer comfort, perspective, and hope, reminding you that while some friendships may end, the capacity for connection and the pursuit of meaningful relationships are ever-present aspects of the human experience.

    The end of a friendship, though a difficult chapter, is not the end of the story. It's a step in the journey of life, offering lessons that contribute to our growth and evolution as individuals. With time, resilience, and a heart open to new possibilities, we can move forward, enriched by the experiences and ready to embrace the future with optimism and grace.

    Recommended Resources

    • Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond by Lydia Denworth, W. W. Norton & Company, 2020
    • The Art of Friendship: 70 Simple Rules for Making Meaningful Connections by Roger Horchow and Sally Horchow, St. Martin's Griffin, 2006
    • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster, 1936
    • Goodbye, Friend! Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet by Gary Kowalski, New World Library, 2012
    • Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness by Shasta Nelson, Seal Press, 2016

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