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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    5 'Ugly Make-up' Looks You Must Try (And Why They Matter)

    The Fascinating World of 'Ugly Make-up'

    Welcome, dear readers, to the fascinating world of 'ugly make-up'—a term that might sound like an oxymoron but is actually a revolutionary beauty trend. Ah yes, the make-up industry has always been a breeding ground for creativity, from the elegant to the extravagant. However, ugly make-up challenges us to rethink our conventional definitions of beauty.

    For decades, the goal of make-up has been to accentuate your features, but the concept of ugly make-up turns this idea on its head. Instead of aiming for perfection, it intentionally brings out elements that society might deem unflattering. Surprising? Let's explore further!

    As you wander through this article, you'll understand why ugly make-up is currently a hot topic. You'll delve into its psychology, witness its cultural impact, and maybe—just maybe—you'll be inspired to try it out yourself.

    But first, let's clear up some myths. Many might think that ugly make-up is just bad make-up. That couldn't be farther from the truth. There's a certain artistry and intention behind every ugly make-up look, carefully crafted to make a statement.

    So, are you ready to have your beauty perceptions challenged? Are you willing to take the plunge into the mesmerizing realm of ugly make-up? If yes, then read on!

    If you're still skeptical, worry not. By the end of this article, you'll have an entirely new perspective. Prepare to be dazzled, confounded, and ultimately enlightened.

    Why 'Ugly Make-up' is Trending

    Before we dig deeper into the subject, it's essential to grasp why ugly make-up has become the talk of the town. The rise of social media has given people a platform to showcase different beauty standards and challenge the norms we've grown accustomed to. Ugly make-up is the offspring of this cultural shift.

    Some may argue that the trend has gained traction due to its shock value. Indeed, scrolling through your Instagram feed and stumbling upon an 'ugly make-up' look is likely to grab your attention. But it's more than just a tactic for likes and follows; it's a form of self-expression that liberates one from the pressures of traditional beauty.

    Another angle to consider is the influence of high fashion and avant-garde artists in the beauty world. They have long used exaggerated make-up styles to make a point or convey a concept. As these ideas trickle down into mainstream culture, the lines between 'ugly' and 'beautiful' become blurred.

    Let's not forget the recent global events. The pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have given people the time to experiment with their looks. For some, this has been an opportunity to break free from societal norms, and ugly make-up offers just that—a ticket to a world where the rules of beauty are whatever you make them.

    From a marketing perspective, brands have also started embracing the trend. The selling point? The freedom to be unconventional. By offering products that facilitate ugly make-up looks, brands are also encouraging people to think outside the box.

    Finally, what gives ugly make-up its staying power is the community that supports it. Online forums, social media platforms, and even organized events offer a space for people to share, learn, and be inspired. It's a beauty movement that's being built from the ground up, fueled by passion and the desire for change.

    What Exactly is 'Ugly Make-up'?

    So, you may be wondering, "What qualifies as 'ugly make-up'?" While the term itself is subjective, it generally refers to make-up that challenges conventional ideas of beauty. Instead of highlighting your 'best' features, ugly make-up plays with asymmetry, bold color contrasts, and sometimes, intentional messiness. It's make-up, but not as you know it!

    Think clumpy mascara, overdrawn lip liner, and exaggerated blush. Each element is intentional, and the objective is to subvert traditional norms. You'll often see bright neon eyeshadows applied in an 'imperfect' manner, or eyebrows that are intentionally unbalanced. It's not about breaking the rules; it's about rewriting them.

    Ugly make-up can be minimalistic or maximalist; it all depends on your mood and intention. You might go for a simple but jarring eyeliner look one day and a full-face, multicolored spectacle the next. The range is genuinely vast.

    In fact, ugly make-up has its roots in several subcultures and art movements. Think of the punk scene with its smeared eyeliners and dark lipsticks, or the extravagant looks from the drag community. Both have influenced what we now term as 'ugly make-up'.

    However, ugly make-up is not to be mistaken for sloppy or poorly-applied make-up. The artists behind these looks have a keen understanding of techniques and color theory. It takes skill to intentionally design a look that defies what most consider aesthetically pleasing.

    So, when you think of ugly make-up, think of it as a form of visual art. It's not merely a trend but a medium for self-expression, testing the limits of what society accepts as 'beautiful'.

    The Psychology Behind the Appeal

    At this point, you might be scratching your head, pondering the psychological underpinnings of this trend. Why are people so captivated by ugly make-up? Let's get into the nitty-gritty of human psychology to unwrap this phenomenon.

    Firstly, there's the element of surprise. Our brains are wired to notice things that stand out, that deviate from the norm. Ugly make-up, in its jarring beauty, certainly captures our attention. And once you've garnered that attention, a message can be more effectively conveyed.

    Then comes the concept of agency—the power to make choices. In a society where women, in particular, are often subjected to unrealistic beauty standards, choosing to wear make-up that is intentionally 'ugly' can be liberating. It's a way to assert control over one's own appearance and, by extension, one's own narrative.

    There's also a deeper emotional resonance. Ugly make-up allows us to explore the uncomfortable, the hidden aspects of ourselves that we might shy away from in other circumstances. It's a way to challenge the stigma associated with the term 'ugly' and reclaim it as something powerful and intriguing.

    Interestingly, research suggests that when something challenges our aesthetic perceptions, it engages us on a deeper cognitive level. We're forced to think, to question, and that mental engagement can be incredibly satisfying.

    In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, participants were found to have a more profound emotional response to art pieces that deviated from traditional aesthetic norms. Could ugly make-up be the avant-garde art of the beauty world? It certainly seems so!

    So, if you find yourself irresistibly drawn to the world of ugly make-up, don't be too quick to dismiss it as mere curiosity. It's tapping into some fascinating aspects of human psychology, offering a fresh perspective on how we perceive beauty.

    5 Iconic Ugly Make-up Looks You Must Try

    As promised, let's dive into the heart of the article—5 iconic ugly make-up looks you must try. Each of these looks will give you a fresh perspective on beauty and perhaps even become a favorite. Ready to jump in?

    1. The Exaggerated Clown Blush: This look involves sweeping bright blush not just on your cheeks, but extending it to your temples and even your eyelids. Pair it with a neutral lip and let your bold blush do the talking.

    2. Neon Streaks and Smears: Grab your brightest eyeshadow palette and get creative. Apply streaks or smears of neon colors across your eyelids and cheeks. Forget the rules—symmetry is not your friend here.

    3. Patchy Lipstick: For this look, intentionally apply your lipstick unevenly, leaving patches bare. Choose a bold color like purple or black for maximum impact.

    4. The Broken Eyeliner: Instead of a smooth, clean eyeliner look, go for jagged lines and gaps. Pair it with clumpy mascara to finish off this rule-defying look.

    5. The Reverse Smoky Eye: In a traditional smoky eye, the darkest color is closest to the lash line, fading out as it goes upward. Flip it! Start with lighter colors near your lashes and get darker as you move toward the brow.

    Remember, the key to pulling off any of these looks is confidence. It's not just about applying make-up; it's about wearing your bold choices like a badge of honor. Each of these looks defies convention in its own unique way, making you not just a trendsetter, but a conversation starter.

    How to Rock an Ugly Make-up Look

    By now, you're probably intrigued enough to try out an ugly make-up look for yourself. But how do you rock it without looking like you're wearing a Halloween costume? First of all, wear your look with unabashed confidence. Your attitude can make or break any aesthetic endeavor.

    Second, consider the context. While it might be fun to experiment at a party or a photoshoot, perhaps your office isn't the best place to showcase your new, avant-garde look. Knowing when and where to unleash your creativity can add to the statement you're making.

    Materials matter, too. High-quality make-up products will not only look better but will also be more comfortable to wear. They offer greater flexibility for experimentation. So invest in a good eyeshadow palette or lip color that allows you to play around with intensity and saturation.

    Another pro tip is to balance your look. If you're going for an exaggerated eye look, you might want to tone down the lips or vice versa. The key to ugly make-up is that while it challenges norms, it still adheres to some principles of balance and composition.

    Do remember, ugly make-up is not about disregarding all beauty norms but remixing them in a thought-provoking way. Therefore, don't forget skin preparation. A good base can make even the most bizarre make-up choices look intentional rather than sloppy.

    Last but not least, take some time to explore different lighting scenarios. Some ugly make-up looks might be striking in natural light but lose their impact under artificial lighting. Capture your artistry from different angles and under various lighting conditions to truly appreciate its complexity.

    The Do's and Don'ts of Ugly Make-up

    You're excited, you're geared up, but wait! Before you dive headlong into this fascinating world of ugly make-up, let's go over some do's and don'ts to ensure you make the most out of your experience.

    Do experiment: This is the realm of pushing boundaries, so don't hold back. Try out looks you've never imagined yourself wearing.

    Don't disregard technique: While the goal is to challenge norms, effective execution is essential. Ugly make-up requires as much skill as conventional make-up, if not more.

    Do invest in quality: As mentioned earlier, quality make-up allows for better application and a more comfortable experience.

    Don't ignore skin care: Prepping your skin properly can make a world of difference in how your ugly make-up look turns out. A solid skincare routine can act as the perfect canvas for your creative endeavors.

    Do be mindful of the setting: Adapt your look to suit the occasion. For instance, a networking event might not be the ideal place for your most outrageous look.

    Don't forget to have fun: This is an opportunity to explore, express, and challenge. The process should be as enjoyable as the result.

    The Cultural Impact of Ugly Make-up

    Now that we've talked about the how-tos and tips, let's zoom out and look at the bigger picture—what does the rise of ugly make-up say about our culture? The ugly make-up trend is, in many ways, a reflection of shifting societal values and priorities.

    For one, it underscores the move towards greater individuality and self-expression in the beauty industry. Gone are the days when women were limited to a single, monolithic standard of beauty. Ugly make-up broadens the spectrum, allowing more room for diversity and uniqueness.

    The trend also speaks to a growing disillusionment with polished, overly-edited images of beauty. With the prevalence of filters and Photoshop, many people are yearning for something more authentic, even if it's imperfect. Ugly make-up offers an unfiltered, raw alternative.

    Moreover, the trend has sparked interesting conversations around topics like gender, beauty standards, and even social class. Its rise has encouraged more critical discussions about who gets to define beauty and who is excluded from it.

    Some critics argue that ugly make-up perpetuates a sort of "hipster" elitism, where the unconventional becomes the new standard for a select group of people. While there's some validity to this argument, it's also worth noting that the trend invites us to question and deconstruct these very norms.

    Ugly make-up isn't just a fad; it's a mirror reflecting changes in our society. Whether you love it or loathe it, you can't deny its cultural relevance. It's another step towards breaking free from traditional norms and embracing a more inclusive understanding of beauty.

    So there we have it. Ugly make-up is not just about redefining aesthetic principles but also about reshaping cultural discussions. It's a small but significant part of a larger, ongoing shift towards a more inclusive and diverse society.

    Expert Opinions: What the Industry Thinks

    While it's always fun to dive headfirst into a new trend, it's also enlightening to hear what industry experts have to say. According to renowned make-up artist Pat McGrath, ugly make-up "isn't about ugliness at all, but about the freedom and courage to explore the full spectrum of beauty." She adds that this trend speaks to the evolving canvas that is human individuality.

    Renowned psychologist Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett suggests that our changing perception towards "ugly" aesthetics might have roots in cognitive science. In one of her papers, she posits that our emotions and perceptions are shaped by our current environment and context, making beauty a continually shifting target.

    Some experts, however, raise concerns about the trend. Dermatologist Dr. Emily Wise warns that constantly changing make-up routines and using an array of new products can be harsh on the skin. She advises that if you're going to experiment with ugly make-up, you should also be extra vigilant about skincare.

    Popular fashion critic Joe Ellison has his reservations too, stating that while ugly make-up can be a creative expression, it's not for everyone and can easily be misinterpreted. The public should treat it like any other fashion statement—with careful consideration and an understanding of its cultural and social implications.

    Fashion magazine editor-in-chief Anna Wintour weighed in during a recent interview, stating that ugly make-up is a compelling form of self-expression but questioned its long-term sustainability in the beauty market. She mused whether it's just a momentary disruption or if it has the legs to become a classic.

    Industry opinions on ugly make-up are as diverse as the looks themselves. Whether considered liberating or contentious, the trend has undeniably caught the attention of people who matter in the realm of fashion and beauty.

    How Ugly Make-up is Challenging Beauty Norms

    Let's delve deeper into how exactly ugly make-up is shaking up established beauty norms. For ages, make-up has been viewed as a tool to enhance or correct, to bring features closer to socially accepted standards of beauty. Ugly make-up turns this idea on its head.

    By using colors, textures, and designs that are traditionally considered 'unattractive,' this trend forces us to reconsider our definitions of beauty. Suddenly, neon green eyeshadow or clumpy mascara doesn't seem so outlandish. It urges us to question: Who decides what's pretty or not?

    Ugly make-up also challenges the industry's long-held gender norms. Make-up is no longer just for women trying to look 'pretty' but is a form of artistic expression open to all genders. This inclusivity is a huge step forward.

    Moreover, the trend invites us to face our imperfections head-on, instead of hiding them. Got under-eye circles? Accentuate them. Want to rock a bold, uneven lip? Go for it. Ugly make-up allows us to embrace our flaws as part of our unique beauty.

    It's worth noting that the trend has sparked debate and even controversy, particularly in cultural and ethical discussions surrounding beauty. It raises questions about the commodification of 'ugliness' and how it might impact various communities differently.

    Whether you see it as liberating or unsettling, there's no denying that ugly make-up is a disruptive force in the beauty world, compelling us to reevaluate our preconceptions about what's beautiful.

    The Pros and Cons of Ugly Make-up

    Like any trend, ugly make-up has its benefits and drawbacks. Let's get into them.


    1. Individuality: One of the most significant advantages of ugly make-up is the freedom it offers. You're no longer confined to traditional looks and can truly express your unique personality.

    2. Creativity: This trend allows for an immense scope of creativity. From colors to textures to application techniques, the sky's the limit.

    3. Conversation Starter: Let's be honest; an ugly make-up look is going to turn heads and ignite discussions. This can be a powerful way to engage with people and even raise awareness about the fluidity of beauty standards.


    1. Not Always Appropriate: While it's fun to experiment, some settings require a more conservative approach to make-up. So, it may not always be practical.

    2. Skill Level: Believe it or not, pulling off a successful ugly make-up look requires skill. It's not as easy as slapping on bright colors and calling it a day.

    3. Social Misunderstanding: While you might be making a statement, not everyone will understand or appreciate it. You should be prepared for a range of reactions, some of which might not be positive.

    As you can see, ugly make-up offers an exciting avenue for self-expression and creativity but comes with its own set of challenges and limitations. As with anything in life, it's all about balance.

    The Future of Ugly Make-up

    Where is this fascinating trend headed? Well, the future is a bit murky, but there are some educated guesses we can make. Firstly, as with any trend, it's likely that ugly make-up will evolve. It may merge with other fashion and beauty movements, leading to even more innovative and diverse aesthetics.

    Technology is another factor that could shape the future of ugly make-up. With augmented reality and virtual makeup trials becoming more prevalent, we could see some truly bizarre and fantastical ugly make-up looks emerge in the digital realm. Imagine your face as a canvas not just in reality, but in countless virtual worlds.

    However, let's not forget the cyclical nature of trends. What's "in" today could be "out" tomorrow. The question is, will ugly make-up have the staying power to become a timeless style, or will it be a footnote in the annals of beauty history? Only time will tell.

    From an industry standpoint, brands might start developing products specifically designed for ugly make-up. We could see eyeshadow palettes with jarring color combinations or lipsticks with unique textures designed for this niche.

    Regardless of its long-term fate, ugly make-up has already left an indelible mark on the beauty landscape. It has sparked conversations, challenged norms, and encouraged individuality, and for that alone, its impact cannot be underestimated.

    So, whether you're intrigued, horrified, or inspired, keep an eye out—ugly make-up isn't fading away anytime soon. It may just morph into something even more intriguing.

    Conclusion: Embrace the 'Ugly', Unleash Your Creativity

    As we wrap up this exploration into the wild, wonderful world of ugly make-up, let's revisit its essence: Ugly make-up is not just a style or a trend, but a movement that champions the redefinition of beauty and the embracing of individuality.

    You don't have to fully commit to wearing clashing eyeshadows or distorted lip lines every day, but the freedom to do so is liberating. It's a creative challenge that pushes your boundaries, testing both your skill and your courage to step outside society's comfort zone.

    Perhaps the most powerful aspect of this trend is its ability to stir dialogue, to make us think deeply about how and why we define beauty the way we do. And whenever a trend can ignite such a far-reaching conversation, it's worth exploring, analyzing, and yes, even celebrating.

    So, go ahead and try that neon green eyeliner or those patchy lips. The only person you need to impress is yourself. And who knows? You might just discover a new facet of your personality that you never knew existed.

    If you've been on the fence about this intriguing trend, why not take the plunge? Life is short, but your options for self-expression should never be.

    The ugly make-up movement prompts us to reflect, question, and most importantly, express ourselves. It challenges us to be bold and different, not for the world, but for ourselves. After all, isn't that what true beauty is all about?

    Recommended Reading

    1. "The Psychology of Fashion" by Carolyn Mair - A deep dive into the psychological factors influencing fashion trends, including those like ugly make-up.

    2. "Dress Your Best Life" by Dawnn Karen - This book explores how what you wear can significantly impact your mood and overall life, providing insights that can be applied to the ugly make-up trend.

    3. "Ways of Seeing" by John Berger - A classic read that examines how we view art and aesthetics, offering a philosophical perspective that can enrich your understanding of the ugly make-up trend.

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