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Posts posted by truedude86

  1. Are you thinking of me as often as I am stuck thinking of you? You opened my life up, I was becoming a better person, you were becoming an amazing support, a best friend, and on top of that, someone who I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. You even said those same things to me.


    I fully understand why you thought we needed to end things, we were stuck in reverse the last few weeks. I just wish that you would have been able to look me in the eyes when you were here...Instead of just crying your eyes out and looking at that ground. I hope that the fact that I wanted to give you one last hug, and the fact that it lasted a long time stays with you. Your tears were worn into my shirt. You're right, you probably won't find another guy who treats you as well as I did.


    I miss you each morning, each day, I miss not getting to talk to you every evening before you eventually fell asleep on the phone. I'm giving you space, not because I want to, but because I know that is what you need. I'm not entirely sure when we will talk again. You can't be in a relationship right now, I'm in repair and want to make some changes in my life. When I feel comfortable enough with the person that I want to become I am going to contact you again, because these feelings for you will not disappear.


    I am finally getting a little sleep. I still check my phone to see if you have called, even though I know you won't. The feelings of anger, bitterness are diminishing. The hurt and disappointment is slowly going away. The "what if's" are getting at me when I am alone and have time to think. You were the first girl that I felt comfortable enough with that I actually gave you my heart, and that is what gets at me the most. I'll talk to you again. I have no idea what our next chapter is going to be, or how it will go. All I know is I am confident the coming months are going to change both of us for the better -- in one way or another.


    I hope you are doing well, take care

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