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Posts posted by JagzOrDaFlash

  1. Claudia Garcia, you were the most perfect girl for me. I took you for granted. You cheated, lied, and used me for the last year of our 2 year relationship before you shattered my whole world. Your still the last and first thing I think about when I go to sleep and when I wake up. I can't believe that you would throw away everything. It feels incredibly unnervingly weird that you are not here with me anymore. It hurts me so much that you went back to your physically abusive ex before. How? Why? I realize I wasn't perfect but all you had to do was communicate with me and I would have have changed. I would have done anything and everything make us BOTH happy.


    You have forever changed me. The way that I see girls and the way I see relationships. Im slowly starting to live life for myself and yet I still love you and miss you so badly. It hurts so fricken much how you don't and didn't care until our relationship. All these memories flashing before my head meant nothing to you, but to me it was the some of the best times of my life. Oh how I wish I could hold you again and contact you but I know that you would just ignore me and not reply back at all. Since your soooo happy with your ex. Im trying really hard to move and forget about but right now at this moment it looks impossible. Again I hope you realize how much I loved you and would have done anything for you. I hope you realize one day how much you've hurt me.


    Idk what to say about us and at the same time I feel like I could go on and on for days talking about what happened to us but Id know that you wouldn't even care and it hurts so damn bad. I cant believe the person who you are today, and not the person I fell in love with in the first place. Im a zombie now. Just walking around, FEELING emotions and pain and suffering. While you live life. I do wish you the best, and only wish happiness. But I hate you just as much for lying, cheating, and using me. I feel I don't ever want to see you again, I wish I never met you. I told you if you ever cheated on me I just would never speak to you again. I thought we were gonna get married, I thought we were gonna have kids, I thought we were in love. Everything that I hear that comes out from your mouth just destroys me inside to shreds. I can't stand you and yet I still wish we could be together in love and happy somehow.



    I don't know how you could just throw away 2 years of our life together. I guess I can, but if you ever truly loved and cared about me you wouldn't have done the things you did to me. I love you but I hate you even more and it hurts me so much to say that.

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