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Posts posted by davester

  1. After reading your post, I felt shocked. I had to deal with a break up recently, not anything like yours, but I feel for you. Breaking up sucks, there is no other way to describe it. I wish there is something I could say that will take all of your pain away, but i can't. If you believe in destiny, and you and your ex were meant to be, then it will happen. I don't know about you, but I think if something is meant to be, then it will happen regardless of all the obstacles. However, sometimes you just have to let go, and move on. It is obvoius that your previous relationship is holding you back. Now is the time to look deep inside yourself, and ask yourself is it time to move on. On a personal note, for a while I kept on thinking about my ex, and it made me very upset, I would cry, and overall feel terrible. We had a song that was ours, and every time I listen to it, I start to cry. As time goes on it gets easier. This helped me out a lot, I don't know if it will help you, but I threw away all of the reminders of my ex, letters, pics, and etc... They simply brought back memories of the past that I can't change. Perhaps it would help if you gave them to a friend to hold onto for a while just to see how you do. For me they did nothing but cause pain, and it helped me move on. Either way it is your call. If you two were meant to be. then destiny will bring you tegether, remember that. It might help if you see a counselor, or just someone to talk to. Best wishes, I hope you can move on no matter what happens.

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