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Posts posted by chocolate

  1. Dear all


    after reading all your message, I would like to share my "bad" experience..


    I 've knowing this online guy for almost 5 years. Within these few years, we are very happy,(even we've never met). we sent each other cards, gifts, letters,sms... etc. we talk almost everynight. I really really treat him as my boyfriend, but i found that he gets a real girlfriend in his place. when i knew it, it's very shocked. one thing i could be done is pretend nothing... PRETEND... in fact my heart is broken. I thought that we could have our future. Because he always says he is trying his best to save $ in order to visit me in person. he says a lots of sweet things to me with this 5 years.. how important am I. How much he misses me.........etc.. But turned out. He gets a gf


    I know that he wants to hide it. I just knew it by accident. He really didn't want to let me know. After i got this bad news.. he still said that I am very important to him... miss me...I know that i should be awaked...


    one thing want to know that. if he just treats me as a friends, would he said that how important am I for him? how much he misses me?

  2. Hello All


    I am the new user here. My "bf" and I have been meeting each other for almost 5 years. We have 6 hours time different. He lives in Europe and I live in Asia. You might think that is soooo stranged that we've never met each other in person. We chat thru the interent everynight, we cam , we send sms message often. We know each other a lots. We send each other some surprise or gift always. I really treat him as my real boyfriend. But you know sometimes i feel very sad and frustrated that he wasn't here with me, especially when i saw some sweet couples on the street and some special festivals and events. He tells me that he got the same feeling.


    He always says miss me very and think of me a lots. He tells everythings to me, all his friends and his family know about me. I am wondering that does he treats me as her girlfriend or just a friend only? why he doesn't come to visit me? He just says he has to save more money. Sometimes i really think that is the excuse only. He always says" Be patient". I admit that i don't have any patience


    I am just a ordinary girl, I want a boy to care about me, to love me, to be here with me.



    Don't you think i am sooo stupid? How long should i need to wait? I am not young anymore, How many 5 years I could bear?




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