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Posts posted by ems

  1. Yes, she just came out and told him at 8:00 in the morning the day after it happened.... But I just do not understand... Her story makes no sense.

    My husband's sister was even in town visiting and she said she does not remember them going out front to go for a walk. She said she does not remember anything weird happening.... They they were in the back and we have a fenced in yard and her shoes were in the house the entire time. So how could you walk through the woods with no shoes...

    Thanks everyone for all of the advice. I have never been in this situation before and it is freaking me out.

  2. I do understand all of you guys, but harder said than done to forget about it. I have talked to her spouse and he believes it completely!!! He said he knows it happened because why would she make this up and screw up her marriage, but my husband would lie because he does not want me to leave him!!! THe other spouse even told me that he is just covering his ass to save his family and he does not trust him at all...

  3. Well we have been married for four years and I have never had any reason to not trust him. We have went through our problems but we are the happiest now than we ever have been. I want to believe him but what she said to me is just bothering me. I cannot get it out of my head... But life is going to have to go on. One of the things that does not make any sense... She is saying they went into the Forrest over this hill and that is where it happened. I walked through some of th forrest yesterday but had to stop because there were thorns everywhere and I have marks all over my hands and he has none.... My husband drinks but always remembers what happens. She is the type to drink and drink until she does not remember anything.... She cannot even remember details she says they just went for a walk and went into the forrest and had sex and they did not talk about it before or anything, it just happened and they also did not discuss anything afterwards... It is all just so confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am having a really hard time with this. We had some friends over the other night and a lot of us ended up passing out and now my so called best friend (which is also married) is saying that she slept with my husband and my husband is completely denying it and I am so confused. A lot of what she is saying does not make sense to me anyway...

    He is swearing up and down nothing happened... He told me he would take a lie dector test, or whatever I wanted because he has nothing to hide because he did not do anything wrong. He does not understand why she is saying this. But my thoughts are why would she make this up and lie and ruin two marriages and our friendship... HELP????

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