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Posts posted by SadMellyDelly

  1. She sounds like an insecure woman who needs constant validation (fake hair, boobs, etc. multiple men). Don't let them get to you like that. I know it's easier said than done. Trust me. What you need to understand is that the opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference. By still being angry, you are still caring in a sense which goes completely against you not giving a "frogs fat butt" about her. Stay strong. Stay positive.


    I broke up with a guy about 15 months ago after being with him for almost 2 years and he was somewhat of a commitment phobe. Told me he was in NO way ready to get married. Lo and behold 1 year after our break up I found out he was engaged and guess what? I felt not a SINGLE thing towards the news. No anger. No sadness. Nada. That's how I knew I was fully over him

  2. Today I went to the CNE. As a prize, they are giving away stuffed minions. Every time I saw someone holding one my heart ached a bit more. I want to reach out to you so bad but you ignored me when I last tried 9 days ago and when you were gone for 12 days. It's not about me or "us" right now. It's about you grieving the death of your mother. I hope space and time apart will bring us back together again . I miss you terribly

  3. SJV:


    Almost 4 weeks ago I broke up with you in haste. I was so overwhelmed and frustrated. The death of your mother 2 months into our relationship totally changed the dynamic of our relationship and we were forced to become serious way too fast. I loved you but I didn't want that to happen. Relationships that get serious and comfortable quick fizzle out just as fast. We were headed that way. That combined with the change in your attitude after your mom died pushed me to ending it. I didn't want to but I felt you needed time so soon after your mom's death to grieve without have to worry about sustaining a new relationship. I felt like we needed time to step back and regroup. I regret it but felt like it needed to be done. I miss you and love you and hopefully when you step out of the haze from the loss of your mother, you will see I did this for us. I want to be with you. More than anything. Hopefully we can start over fresh someday soon



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