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Posts posted by Butterfly20

  1. Hey..well here it goes..i have to say ive been in your gf situation...i have cut myself and i have attempted suicide....it is a cry for help....tell her you will take her to a councelor...and i mean go with her...ask her if she wants u to go in with if not maybe just drive her...if i had someone like that when i was in that much pain it would have been a relief..now this mite scare you a little but doing that to yourself becomes addictive because its a release from your current emotional pain...the more you do it the worse it will get...in other words if you dont help her as soon as possible one day it might be unreparable....but if it comes down to a point where she wont let you help her then you have done all you can. People can only save themselves if they do it on their own or accept the help right in front of them. If she doesnt then shes just not ready to heal from whatever is bothering her. If you can t handle it at some point never feel guilty because you can only help her so much. At some point you may have to be selfish and do whats best for you....but before it gets to that point read up on depression. Find a good safe place to bring her for councelling and all you can do is hold her hand while she goes through this tough time....hope i was some help....take care

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