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Posts posted by coolio

  1. I have been separated from my ex for 1 year. In the end she was showing me signs of not being particularly stable, and was becoming very confrontational. I ended things, but she wouldn't eave me alone for months. Sometimes just turning u in my bedroom in the middle of the night. Sometimes calling drunk, crying, and telling me she was going to drive to my house. One time she looked up and matched with my ex wife on tinder (who's is into women) and went on dates with her to make me hurt. Yeah pretty nuts huh.

    Anyway, recently I started seeing someone else, and she has been trying her hardest to make my life hell. She has started to spread really personal things about me, some truths, but with a whole lot of untruths mixed together that paint me out as a quote "a psychopath" "toxic" "a stalker" "that she is scared that i know where she lives" etc etc.

    Thankfully most people in our town know me, and know that it doesn't add up, and that she's full of it. But the fact is she has denied saying a lot of this stuff, and the gullible part of me even started to believe her.

    Anyway, now I have concrete proof of what she has been saying. Yet she still denies it, and claims to always have my back and would never say anything bad about me etc etc. 

    My question is.. what is her game here? She pretends to be caring, asking how I'm going, hopes I'm doing ok etc. But in reality is telling everyone I'm a psychopath?? I don't understand her end game??

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