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Posts posted by jess

  1. I am friends with this really cool guy who wants to be more than just friends with me. And few weeks ago things got a bit complicated, he told me that he really likes me and would want to be with me, the problem is that I like him only as a friend and simply don't see myself being in a relationship with him. But I didn't tell him that since I don't want to hurt his feelings so I said that I am not looking for a boyfriend and I am happy being single, the only problem is that not long ago I got really drunk and kissed him which was a really big mistake. But because of it he keeps on hoping that something is gonna come out of it. Lately he asked me out on a date and I don't want to go out with him because I dont want to be with him. I dont even like to spend that much time with him anymore since whenever we are together he starts talking about how great and beautiful he thinks i am. Even some of his mates told me to do something about the situation because they think I am playing with his feeling. How do i gently tell him that me and him are just not gonna happen, and because wer are good mates i want to remain friends?

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