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Posts posted by Brokenheart99

  1. I hate how easy this has been for you. You ruined my life. You shattered my heart, I barely function anymore, I barely sleep. This break up and relationship has aged me beyond my years. You took every shred of well being and dignity away from me. I barely meant anything to you. You just go on with your happy life completely unphased and unaffected, carrying forward with everything I gave you, taught you, bought you and made you. Shameless. But despite all that, I miss you. I want you to want me. To miss me, to be the man you have been. To be the man that you will be with someone else, but just not with me. I want all of that. I know more than anything, you want us to be friends, so you can use me and have me in your life without the commitment and obligations and transition into newer scarier relationships, because I'm a source of comfort for you. You will never get that from me. You walked away. You made your bed. Go lie in it now. I hope life is miserable for you. I hope you realize your mistake and find no one better, because if there was a definition of an amazing gf, I was it. You can't say otherwise. I loved you unconditionally and whole heartedly. You took it all for granted and threw it away. I hope that there will be regret. But sadly I'm accepting that there will never be regret. You have replaced me emotionally. You don't need me as your emotional crutch anymore and with that, you ended the relationship. We are over. It's so hard to swallow. I wish things would have been different. If only.

  2. I was doing so well. Not thinking about you, getting on In my life, but the minute you completely disappear, I breakdown. I'm happy I haven't broken contact. But I realized I still haven't let go, and that's shattering to me, because I thought I could. It's scary to know I still haven't let go. I hope that day will come. It sucks all over again. God..wouldn't it be so nice to know you are as miserable as me? If only. But you are so happy and everything good comes your way. I swear life favors the selfish. I was nothing but good to you. You strung me along with lies, wasted my time, lied to me telling me I was the one. The whole time you had one foot out the door looking for something better. One day I hope you feel the pain of what you did. I still miss you. One day I hope I forget you. One day I wish you would come back begging me for a second chance, realizing how selfish you are, apologizing for how terrible you were to me, just so I could say no. That day will never come. Why did I never mean as much to you as you did to me? Why wasn't I good enough?

  3. I love you I miss you and I hate you all at once. I miss all our good times, I have never been able to find someone who I enjoyed spending my time with as much as with you and I worry that I will be looking forever. I loved you more than I thought possible. But it always felt unrequited. I never deserved your mistreatment. I was the best girlfriend to you. You are so happy looking for your happiness and enjoying life, while you broke me and shattered my heart. I hope one day with every fiber of my being you regret this decision and suffer in your lonely misery with nothing but regret to keep you company. I wish i could see your regret unfold and watch you suffer the consequences of your selfish ways and watch your realize how good i was to you and for you. i worry one day that wont happen because life sucks that way and is always great to the undeserving. I wish you would change and love me as much as I love you and fight for me and come back to me in the best way possible. But, dreams are only in our imagination. I feel like every man will live in your shadow, because all I seem to remember is our good times and how much we laughed and had fun. When you taste sweet, nothing ever tastes sweet again. I love you, but one day I hope I don't. I wish I had never met you.

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