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Posts posted by Paramore

  1. I would get the resent mind frame out of your head, the worst think you can do is resent your ex because it actually plays on your mind more than if you just accept the breakup accept what went wrong on your part and what went wrong on hers and move on from it, it's not easy especially when she left you for someone else, but if you get angry and you dwell on hating her for it you will find it will take you much much longer to move on

  2. day 2 of no contact,


    I'm finding this so hard, this isn't the first time we have broken up and this isn't the first time ive felt like this, I know its bad and I shouldn't have let it happen a second time but I have and I'm in pain and I feel horrible. I wake up feeling ill, I cry a lot during the day, I cried in the middle of collage today, i'm also throwing up a lot I'm not to sure if that's normal? I can sleep but I've completely lost my apatite. ive not ate in 3 days now, the thought of food just makes me ill, im lost I genuinely am finding it so hard to be without him and to not contact him, im trying im just hoping he will message me. I blocked him on facebook but then I couldn't help unblocking him and having a look, I cant see his wall but I can see that he has added girls that he knows I don't like, that have tried things on with him before, I don't know what to do I really don't

  3. Day 1 again lol this is stupid


    He did reach out, texted me that night when i was going bed about some item he has of mine, asking if i wanted it. I said no thanks and he said he would bin it then , i said ok..then he messaged some more crap and then the next morning again asking if i was sure i didnt want said item..again i said no thanks so back to day 1 today and so far nothing.


    I think i can do the nc but not sure i can ignore him if he contacts me. This is so hard


    I'm in the same situation, I cant sleep I've completely lost my appetite, I think about him all the time, and I always ask my mum "Do you think he will contact me?" "what if he doesn't come back" "what if he doesn't love me any more" its so hard to keep up with NC as I keep checking my phone because I miss him texting me as so often as he used to, I sit at home watching sad love films on Netflix, I'm fine when we and my mum or me and my mates go shopping or what have you but when it comes to being in the house on my own, time just drags and I feel so alone and begin to miss him more!

  4. he just came round to my house to collect his tops, my mum answered the door and got his tops he sounded sad from what I could hear and she said he would of wanted to see me but his mate was there, I was watching from the window and as he walked away he looked back, I tried to move back so he didn't see me but he did, I wonder what will happen next, he will probably contact me later on tonight with more sympathetic messages but by tomorrow it will be "get out of my life" messages again! I cant deal with all these mind games!!! URGGHH!

  5. he has just sent me a message at 8:36 PM Friday the 7th June saying "Here we go the horrible one you are shows again" I haven't spoke to him all day so what this means I do not know, I've deleted the message though and ignored it so 1 up for me already although my stomach is feeling all tense and tight

  6. Day 4


    ........trying hard to not open his fb and email.

    I know i can do this, i have control of my own myself!


    I had the exact same problem...temptation to see what he is up to, block his Facebook and delete his email. its hard it took me nearly half an hour to click the block button but in the long run you will feel 100 times better! and it will help you move on and get over him faster

  7. My boyfriend broke up with me on Tuesday, it hurt so much for the next 3 days I kept contacting him and trying to see him, he kept giving me false hope by telling me that he loved me and he missed me and wanted me back, but then he would tell me to get out his life, my mother then mentioned this site and told me that it would be use full, I found this forum and decided to give it a shot.


    challenge accepted!


    day one

    Friday 7th June



    I am sat in my living room watching the channel four news, currently my boyfriend has not contacted me since half 10 this morning when I went round to his house and he told me he never wished to see me again its now 20:08. Yesterday evening I got a text that said " I'll leave you alone now I just want you to be happy and I'm not the one to do it just want you to know that I am sorry for the things I've said and done but I wish I could make things up to you but I cant ill just leave you to live without me and I hope in the future when you have kids that they grow up to be as strong as you are, I wish this wouldn't have ended but it has and there is nothing I can do to resolve it, I wish there was something but there isn't, I will always love you and I will miss you so much! good bye my beautiful baby girl, you are so beautiful and any guy would be nuts to turn you down and I am nuts but I hope your happy without me


    he says I play mind games with him when really its the other way around he tells me to get out his life, then messages me saying he loves me and I will always be his, then tells me not to speak to him again, then tells me he misses me and now currently he never wants to see me. I'm not sure what's going to happen if I should just try and move on, I don't want to I love him he means the world to me, I've gone of food I barely eat anything anymore and when I do I hardly eat much, I cant sleep, when I get a message on my phone my stomach tenses because I hope it's him and when it isn't my heart sinks, everywhere reminds me of him, I think about him all the time! my whole body is in a achy pain and I never have the energy to do anything, days just go so slow now a big chunk of my life has gone, are these all normal symptoms of being broken hearted and what should I do to deal with them?

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