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Posts posted by maddox79

  1. i stumbled upon this page by accident while at work and it seemed kind of interesting.

    i am a 23 year old female and i have been miserable pretty much my entire life. i am not attractive, i am not going to lie about that. i know that online you can be whoever you want to be, but maybe it might be nice to just be real for once. i dont know why i am writing this. i dont know what i am doing. i dont expect responses or anything, but i know that statistically, if you feel something, there are probably others out there that also feel it.

    its new years eve. this will be the 4th year in a row that i shaft friends and do nothing.

    its funny kind of because i am pretty ugly and i am overweight but i do have a lot of friends and usually have been able to get any boy i wanted but its very unfulfilling. i have never been satisfied with myself. i guess that is the problem.

    well my sleeves are covered in tears and snot (sorry) and i guess i am just writing this for myself anyway.

    if you are reading this- have a hapy new year and be safe.

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