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Posts posted by Race

  1. i know exactly what you're feeling, i just ended a ten year relationship with a man like that-in my case, there was nothing i could do to make him take the initiative and do little things for me. it wasnt about the monitary value, or the "having of possessions" ...doing little thngs like that were how i showed my love for him, so naturally that's how i expected him to show his love for me.

    many other things happened to end the relationship...but what i realized after many tears and lots of frustration was that he was showing me his love in other ways-by "doing"

    he'd do the dishes, vaccuum, pay the bills, drive me anywhere i wanted to go etc... and that's how he expected me to show my love for him.

    i would suggest getting a little note book, one that fits in your pocket, and write down every thing he does for you-from visiting unexpectedly to renting your favorite movie, you may be surprised at just how much he is showing you he loves you, even though it might not be with trinkets...he is probably showing you oodles of affection.

    one reason i think he may not pick up a little this'n'that for you is because he might not know what you like, or he might be so involved in the other things he's doing for you, that he just plumb forgets-

    after awhile, read over you're little notebook and see if it measures up to the amount of affection you want from him-and take it from there.

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