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Posts posted by futuremrssw

  1. Nearly all of my friends have broken up with their boyfriends at some point ! Mostly the men dumping them and then came crawling back some for weeks and some for months and maybe one or two for a year . Come to think of it I can't think of one long term relationship which has not had a break up ! Maybe it's our age we are in our early twenties however my friends mum and dad got divorced after being married for 15 years had a year apart where her dad saw other women her mum did not and they got back together after about a year , and got married last Christmas my boyfriends in a rebound relationship but I know he will be back which is the worst because I can't move on because I just know ! I'm a true believer in everything happens for a reason and if its meant to be it will be !! Patience people patience

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