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Posts posted by Gotmilk

  1. I never thought I would be writing this, and am feeling pretty low. My partner of 8 years seems to have called it quits, and I am struggling. We have a 3 year old son, and I am the custodial parent. We have been in counseling for almost a year now, and it just seems like everything is gone. We had an argument last week, and when I pushed for a decision as to wether she was staying or going, she said "Its over". I was totally caught off surprise because I have done everything she has ever asked or had a conflict with me about. This has included finances (I am working 2 jobs), intimacy, parenting, and our families. I was so angry and surprised that she said that, that I took of my wedding band and threw it accross the room, telling her she could sleep in the other room, I didn't want to see her in my room, and didn't want anything to do with her. I apologized the next day for throwing my ring and losing my temper, but didn't feel an apology is necessary for anything else. When she said she was unhappy with the relationship a little less than a year ago, I was more than willing to do what was necessary for us to get back on track. How long does it take to get out of the feeling like you can't go on one more day? How do you try to be a good co-parent when everytime you see her it just makes you cry? Any support or help anyone can offer would be most appreciated!

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