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Posts posted by slv27

  1. Hello, since you're on this subject I thought i'd jump in and get everyones advice. I'm kinda on the flip side of this situation. I'm the wife who doesn't spend money responsibly and my husband has had to open another account for this reason. I understand that i've messed up and I continue to spend money and overdraw my own account. I guess my reason for continuing my behavior is because I know my husband is going to get mad at me and then it will blow over. But the reason it ever started is because my husband always told me "No", I couldn't by anything without his permission, and he always said "No". I guess my questions for the husband who wants to press charges is have you tried to set up a budget for your wife? Does she have a set amount of money that she can spend each month on whatever? I wish my husband would just set a budget for me, but he won't listen to me. I'm not trying to justify your wifes behavior, but I know in my situation that if my husband would just hand me a set amount of money and said I could do as I wished with it, that we may not have these problems. I just feel like he's always telling me "No", and why would I want to please him for doing that to me? I really think that the day he hands me a few dollars and says go buy something for yourself that I might change my behavior. I guess i'm telling you this so hopefully you can see how your wife feels inside.


    We also have other issues and my husband is on the brink of divorcing me. He has had me pay bills out of his account and forge checks for him. I pay bills take our girls to the doctor and sign his name on the checks with his permission. He also hands me his credit car and has me use it at the store for things needed and then gets mad if I overspend. But the latest thing is that he left me and our 3 young girls at home while he was on a business trip and left us with $20. So without his permission I transferred $40 into our joint account. Now that he's mad he has threatened to have me arrested for using his cards and signing his name on checks. And for going into his account without permission. I guess I screwed up big time. I will never do that again. But do I diserve to go through a criminal trial? I don't think so. I'm an emotional mess today. This all happened last night. We have 3 young girls that i've spent 24/7 with and over $40 he's going to turn me in for forgery. I feel like there's nothing I can do to change the past, but he also doesn't trust that I can be different. If I thought he would get so mad I wouldn't have done it. Do you think I should lose my marriage and my kids over this? I think we all have areas in our life that we struggle with. I know that spending money is a struggle for me. Don't you have areas in your life that you're not perfect at?

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