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Posts posted by ijuly13

  1. Ok so like exactly a year ago I was dating my best friend from high school for about two years. We had the best relationship together... he knew what a crappy childhood I had and did everything in his power to make my life better and open up doors for me. And he did. And I made him happy and was a great first girlfriend. I loved him with all my heart and even though there were problems there were also great times and memories. Well I turned 20 and all of a suden I wanted to move out and switch jobs and my attitude towards education shifted. So we moved out and got a dog and all this furniture together and in one I decided I didnt want it. SO I broke up with him. And he sort of moved out. One day he came home and found me and his classmate watching a movie and got pissed and tried to start a fight with him and then left. Since then we ran into each other a couple of times and hung out. Twice we discussed getting back together but I was still into the new guy who was practically living with me at the time. Then about five months after the break up I wanted him back with all my heart....turns out I was manic depressive and one of my chemical shifts lead me to break up with him. After that five months he said the bond was broken and cried and said that we couldnt be back together. Then we spent the whole summer hooking up and then denying it ever happened till he left for Greece. Then he came back with a new girl and was really mean and hateful towards me. He still made out with me though given the chance. I stayed with my new boyfriend out of lack of anything else to do and forced myself to not think of my ex. But still to this day which has been a year from when teh relationship ended I still love him and wish to be with him again. I realize that the relationship had problems but I am willing to work on that. I dont know how to act around him anymore. I still see him around my mutual friends and freeze up around him. I need advice, tell me what to do if I should still try and see him or how I can move on..... Thanks

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