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Posts posted by nfperception

  1. To: My ex and the girl he left me for, M


    M, I know you left your boyfriend to be with my ex, and my ex did the same to me to be with you. You two deserve each other. It must be nice to know that you two met while at work, and found some common interests along the way, all while I was still with my then boyfriend.


    Nice to know that destiny brought you two pieces of s*** together and he dumped me when he found out you were single. It's nice to know who my true friends are after this whole debacle. So, I want to say thank you, to my ex, and to his rebound, M. Without you two, I wouldn't have found out who my true friends are.


    Without you two, I wouldn't have found out who my ex REALLY is. Without you two, I would have been deep in debt if I was married to him. Without you two, I wouldn't have found out how much of a manipulator and masters of victim mentality you guys can be.


    So I toast a song to you two, Beyonce "The best thing I never had"


    May you two live happily ever after by taking a long walk off of a short pier.


    - NFPerception

  2. I tried contacting you, and you didn't respond. It has since been months since you stopped talking to me, and I wonder if I'll ever see you again. Even though through mutual friends they said that I hurt you, how did I? What did I do to cause you to say that?


    I thought we had a future, I thought we were going to make it, but I guess I was wrong. Will I ever see you again, or are you trying to make me look bad and that's it? You broke up with me for someone else, so why do I still feel this way toward you? Do you even miss me?


    Why won't you reach out and at least try to talk to me, something. I don't know... why did this happen to me?

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