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Posts posted by PVOutdoors

  1. In my belief as long as you live a positive life and do good things while you live this short life, alot of your ex's will circle back.


    It's happened to me with every girl I had a close connection with. I have always kept a low profile on my lifes success's. Im currently 25, college educated and a proud business owner.


    Ive been through it all. I was particulary harsh to my exs my younger days then ignored them. Especially one who royally screwed me over. She kept my belongings and immediately started dating another guy with a criminal record. I blew up, cut my losses and used the no contact rule. I eventually grew a pair and sucked it up, got over it and 4 months later she texted me 3 different occasions in the span of a month. I just ignored her, wasnt worth it. Shes gone back and forth with the dude and got pregnant. Shes now stuck between a rock and a hard spot. I heard shes miserable.


    My buddy and his girlfriend of over a year live together. I really envy them. His girlfriend hooked me up with a close friend that lived 2 hours away. I was hesitant at first but she has always had the mindset of moving down here eventually (better jobs & area) so that helped. We developed great chemisty, saw her every two weeks and began dating. Shes 4 years younger and going to college. Unfortunately this past weekend I got blind sighted. She couldnt come up with a better reasoning than using distance, work and school as an excuse. Which she assured me in the get go that the distance thing was not a problem and we would work through it. She would go as far as to sending love letters, always telling me she missed me and wanted to be down here with me and her friend. She even assured me that less than a week ago.


    I held my pride, kept my mouth closed, and supported her decision which Im sure was a curve ball for her. I know most of her ex's gave her a rough time. My conclusion is she still has a bit of a wild child left in her, shes young, confused and hasnt fully discovered her self yet. That reality will hit as she inches closer toward graduation in a year. Am I going to sit around and wait. Not a chance. Its tough but I'll get over it. I will not contact her, but Im sure I'll run into her again soon knowing she'll want to visit my buddies girlfriend.


    So be it. I left a postive mark on her and I'm sure she'll reflect back on it in time. First and last impressions meen everything. I just believe living a positive life and devoting yourself to that relationship for the time being is enough, not smothering/pressuring her, respecting her life/goals. Alot of girls/guys (younger ones especially) will dump you, move on to the next and not find greener grass.

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