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Posts posted by sporstergrl

  1. He invited my daughter and myself to his house for dinner last night. I played it cool and we acted as though not a lot had changed. On my way out he was asking if I was coming over tomorrow night. I thought he meant to work on my motorcycle( still at his house) and I said no I'll do it Saturday. So he says abruptly "night" and practically slams the door. Just then I realized this was his way of inviting me over. So I opened the door and asked him to clarify. He said he just wanted to know what my plans were for Friday night...if I wanted to be with him or was I goign to be with someone else( hmmmmmmmmm a little jealousy). Unfortunatley I told him I'd come over. What I should have said was that I had plans but would be over Saturday while he was at work to work on my bike. I jumped too quick. Soooooooooooooooo any advice here?

  2. Well it happened. I have been so heartbroken over my breakup and not able to work, eat, concentrate etc....I needed distraction. SO now there's Bob. Poor Bob, if he only knew what his role in my life is right now. And being so selfish and hurt right now I cannot tell him. What a witch I am. Help!

  3. Three days ago my boyfriend of 8 months said he felt we should "cool it". I actually agreed with him. He is 16 years older then me, does not want to raise more children(I have 1) and does not want to get married again. I havent asked him to raise my child,I've been doing it alone for 6 years. Nor did I tell him I wanted to remarry. Our relationship also escalated to verbal abuse based on his power nd control issues and jealousy. So when he siad he wanted to cool it but still do things I was actually devastated. I know it is because we were together everyday and just got back from Vegas. I hate being alone! I know he's not good for me and our relationship would probably have gone nowhere. I realize this but am still missing him. For some reason it's painful. The thought of him dating someone else also kills me. What the heck are these feelings all about?

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