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Posts posted by Donna1985

  1. i am so sad right now and i really need to vent and talk to someone and have NO one! and it is making it hard to breathe ok i am goign to basically let it all out. i am sorry if this is long, ok i am 18 years old and i have 1 friend becasue i cant trust people and she is the only good friend i can trust and my family is pretty messed up with my dad used to being a drunbk and pot head and my mother until ayear ago popping pills and drinking and smoking and doing cocaine. now i am this cousin how i recently gotten alot closer to int he past 3 years we are like sister we know just about everything about each other. well she went on homestudy 4 weeks ago in nevada. she is 15 turning 16 in may. before she went on homestudy she had no friends cause everyone left her after she was raped at a party and they thought she lied about it. and she had a old friend how she cut off cause of her drug problem. now she is hanging with her again and for the past few weeks it was all good i talekd to tehm both 4 times a day and before she meet "jennie" and started hanging with here again she went out on the weekend and drank a lil bit and smoke once or twice nothing too bad she knew her limits, now she is drinking and getting drunk every other day and getting high every 2-3 days now. and i mean i love her i now its hard to quit but i know what drugs can do to a person and its just so hard for me and right now i am crying so hard cause i love her so much and i dont want anything bad to happen to her. and i tried to talk to her about it 20 mintues ago while her and jennie where lighting up a bong, and she got really angry and i told her i loved her and how it made me feel and asked her about it and she took it the wrong way and i am goin to write her a email btu i dotn knwo what to say i dont want to offened her even more i mean i love her so much i dont think i can deal with losing her but you seen the commerical that says if your friend was in toruble you would help them and it shows the pic of a girls watchign her friend drown. i asked katie(my cousin) woudl she helop or wanted ot be helped and she told me yeahso i dont know what to do i am so confused and have no one at all to talk to i am just going to sit here and cry my eyes out all night

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